
Camp Champ – the ultimate mobile kitchen in a box

Camp Champ mobile kitchen

In the summer, we often move the kitchen to the open air, but what if we are mostly limited to the grill. But what if that's not always enough? This is where things get complicated. For picnics, food must be prepared in advance at home, in the camp we eat "outside" or simply. That's why the Camp Champ company of our northern neighbors found a solution for all those who miss the luxury of a full-fledged kitchen during picnics or camping, and therefore don't want to tow a caravan or rent a motor home. It is a compact wooden cube box that can be disassembled into a proper kitchen with a stove, counter and kitchen equipment.

Basic information
Camp Champ
The price

Culinary delights on camping trips and picnics are quite narrowly defined. Either they are represented by food that is easy to prepare, or we do everything at home. Camp Champ the kitchen of the company of the same name from Austria the "width" of a real kitchen brings to nature. The idea grew on grass Franz Moser, a father and business owner who commercialized the matter after realizing he was plowing fallow with the product.

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They are at Camp Champ mobile kitchen packed in wooden 40 kg cube box, which because of compact dimensions (68 x 54 x 57 cm) can be easily stored in the trunk. Fully equipped, i.e. with all the kitchen equipment, the scales aim for him 75 kilograms. It consists of a gas cooker with three burners, a counter, shelves, drawers and cupboards, and 35 kilograms goes to the soul of pots, dishes, cutlery, spices and coffee machine. The kitchen, which feeds up to six people, is not only intended for those who like camping or going on picnics, but also for home use.

Camp Champ brings cooking to nature.
Camp Champ brings cooking to nature.

Unfortunately, this kind of "spas" is not the cheapest, because in exchange for it you will have to say goodbye to almost 5400 euros. However, it is a premium, attractive and waterproof product that, unlike kitchen equipment in trailers and motorhomes, will not cause damage during transport. an unpleasant rumble, as each element has its own special place. When not in use, it can serve us as padded seat.

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