
They Can Improve Your Relationship: 7 Types of Fights All Couples Have

They'll Improve Your Relationship: 7 Types of Arguments All Couples Have

Arguments are not pleasant, but they are inevitable - the good news is that they can often help you achieve change and rekindle the spark in your relationship. These are the 7 types of arguments that all couples have. Did you two have them too?

We all argue with our partners – even those who are seen on social media as cast for each other.
Important announcement: Arguments are good! Of course, not all conflict is good and healthy, but fights are a great starting point in case of the right reaction, yes air your relationship.
Below are 7 types of arguments that all couples have and which are stepping stones for both of you to improve your relationship.

7 types of arguments that all couples have:

Arguing over the phone

Phones have eaten into all spheres of our lives - even love. Young people have known them since birth, so phones are practically indispensable in their lives. Although they bring many good things, they often distract them from important things.
The time you spend on your phones is time you don't spend with each other. Limit phone use to urgent tasks and focus on each other.

Overdoing career and work

Young couples often argue because one partner devotes too much time to career and work... and as a result, the other partner feels neglected. When your career is just starting to take shape, it can be difficult to find a balance between work and love - but try to find a compromise that more or less suits both of you.

Feeling neglected is very difficult and serious.
Feeling neglected is very difficult and serious.

Tidying up

Couples who live together also inevitably encounter problems when their ideas about tidying up at home are inconsistent. If you find yourself in such a situation, you have no choice but to find compromises and set rules that both of you stick to.

Feeling neglected

If someone feels neglected in a relationship, it is not wise to raise the question of whether they have the right to feel such feelings or not, but rather to listen to the fact that such a feeling is real and painful... and a solution must be found.

Contact with an ex-love

The ghost of an ex-love can be threatening for many, especially at the beginning of a relationship. It's normal for you to argue about this sometimes, but don't let it become an unhealthy habit.

It is normal for there to be periods in a relationship when there is less sex.
It is normal for there to be periods in a relationship when there is less sex.

Lack of sexuality

At the beginning of a relationship, everything is often wonderful for many people. They are removed from the troubles of everyday life and live only to be able to touch each other - everything else is just noise in the background. Sooner or later, you will have to face everyday troubles, and then it often happens that there is less sex (and there is none). This can confuse you and start arguing. Tip: IT WILL PASS!

The future of the relationship

Part of serious relationships is that there are periods when one of the partners doubts the commitment and seriousness of the other partner. This can be a scary feeling and it's important to talk about it and find out what your ideas are about the future of your relationship. If there is no future, you know what you have to do!

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