
Can this bizarre font really improve your memory?

We often find that it is easier to forget things than to remember them. With the abundance of everyday obligations, this is not even unusual. This makes us all the more excited about a gadget that helps us remember.

Researchers from RMIT University, located in Australia Melbourne, have developed a new computer font "Sans Forgetica". This is supposed to help with better memorization.

The font is unique mainly because they are some parts of her letters carved. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the letters stand at an angle 7 degrees.

Scientists are working on a sample as part of their research 400 students carried out a special test to check memorability of Sans Forgetica and Arial fonts. 57 % test subjects managed to remember the text written in the first font, while only 50 % memorized text in a different font.

Sans Forgetica.
Sans Forgetica.

Such an observation can be attributed unusual form of the new font. People remember more things that deviate from the norm. Janneke Blijlevens, otherwise a marketing expert, states, among other things, that minor obstacles in the learning process have a positive effect on our brain.

While reading a text in a unique font, we will be constantly searching in our minds for shapes to fill the letters, which means that for reading we will spent more time. Sans Forgetica should thus be particularly useful in learning foreign languages.

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