
Cap Rocat: a dream vacation in hot Majorca

Photo: Booking.com

When we imagine a dream vacation, we certainly think of pleasant sun rays and crystal clear sea. But if all this comes together with an aesthetically perfect interior, all the better. That's why we were left open-mouthed when we saw the Cap Rocat hotel in Majorca.

A five-star hotel Cap Rocat it is not an ordinary hotel in Majorca. Located in a remote coastal location, housed in an old fortress, it looks like a fairy-tale town from a dream. It is separated from the sea only by the surrounding vegetation, which has been turned into a wonderful garden by the skillful hands of gardeners. Namely, the hotel is located in the embrace of a protected nature conservation environment, which only further contributes to the paradise status of the accommodation.

Rest without haste and worries

The unique architecture of the fortress in which the hotel is located Cap Rocat, has been declared a national monument. Therefore, it is a miracle that a luxury hotel found a place in it. Spanish architect Antonio Obrador is responsible for the renovation of the fortress, and the project has won many awards, including the prestigious Europa Nostra award. The philosophy of the hotel is also suitable for this, which is based on an understanding of modern guests and their needs, with the desire to provide them with a vacation, as it was in the past. Without haste, stress and rush. That's why they strive to make guests enjoy every moment. Either with a private sunset dinner, intimate boat trips or exotic treatments.

The remote location provides guests with a peaceful vacation, far away from the tourist bustle. Only sun, sea and island land. The nature conservation area occupies 30 hectares, and the coastal part extends over two kilometers. The hotel is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea from all sides, and water also served as a central inspiration in the design of the complex. Hotel Spa it is thus carved into the terrain, and is located as much as 12 meters below the terrain, but still provides sufficient natural light. In addition to the indoor swimming pool, guests also have an outdoor one with salt sea water, which offers beautiful views of the sea and beautiful sunsets.

The focus of the hotel is on protection of nature and respect for the environment. This is also evident from the architectural design, as it is the only one that does not interfere invasively with the surrounding nature. The hotel pays attention to its footprint on the environment, while at the same time taking care of the minimal impact on the surroundings.

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