
Careful! These are the years when the most challenges, difficulties and changes await you!

During these years, you will experience the most problems and challenges in your life. Maybe you're that age?

Some research or theories say that drastic changes occur in the life of every person for 7 years, this is supposed to be it the result of changes in the universe and in the movement of energies.

Why for 7 years? At that time, our inner state is supposed to change, as well as our surroundings, and all these changes are supposed to have an impact on our personality, on our desires, ambitions and relationships. Every 7 years, they are supposed to meet different challenges. So, for example, you should have fewer problems and trials in the first cycle than in the third or seventh.

The universe gives us new challenges every 7 years.
The universe gives us new challenges every 7 years.

So how exactly does this affect us? When we succeed in overcoming all the obstacles from each cycle, we are richer for one lesson or important experience, which increases our confidence and strengthens us. For example, a person who lives more than 84 years has the "privilege" of going through all the seven-year cycles.

According to these theories, the biggest life changes and turbulence await us at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 56, 63, 70, 77 and 84 years. Every seven-year ordeal to overcome is part of our spiritual journey.

Every change is part of our spiritual journey.
Every change is part of our spiritual journey.

What can we do? Our job is to we listen to our inner voice and prepare for a new seven-year cycle in our lives. Eventually we will find out that they did all the struggles paid off!

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