
Casa en el Agua: an eco-hostel in the middle of the ocean, where you will pay 26 euros for the night

Do you often find yourself daydreaming about a sunset over a turquoise ocean far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Then you'll want to check out the eco-hostel Casa en el Agua, literally "house in the water," located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea along the Colombian coast.

Ecohostel Casa en el Agua surrounded by an idyllic landscape crystal clear waters of the San Bernardo National Park. Guests can spend their days in hammocks, swimming or socializing with other travelers.

And although they offer you a unique experience, it is surprisingly cheap hostel, as the price for a night in a group room for eight people starts at 100 thousand Colombian pesos, which is calculated about 28 euros. But if you've really tightened your belt, you can sleep in one of the hammocks for 70 thousand Colombian pesos per night (calculated approximately 20 euros), and the accommodation allows you to store your things in lockers. It is also included in the room price breakfast (including coffee, which you can enjoy 'bottomless'), drinking water is available all day. The price does not include transportation by boat to the hostel (it is around 32 euros), but of course the trip to Colombia will cost you the most.

He does have a hostel 2 floors, the rooms are located on the upper floor, while the downstairs is a place for socializing, a kitchen and access to water. They tend to be eco right at every step: for example, toilets are separated for minor and major needs instead of women's and men's toilets, so that excrement is properly composted, and the toilets also do not flush. Instead, guests are asked to flush it down the toilet when they're done chalk and sawdust: the chalk has a drying effect which also promotes plant growth, and the sawdust is there to 'protect' your nose and make it all a bit more beautiful.
Several fun activities are available in the hostel: from water sports to trips to local islands and beaches, not to mention many diving opportunities. Don't forget to take a look when night falls amazing squids that light up the ocean.

Gallery – Casa en el Agua

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