
Casa Invisible: An invisible house has grown in Prekmurje, but no one knows where!

The invisible house Casa Invisible

In Prekmurje, the invisible house Casa Invisible of the Delugan Meissl architectural office from Austria, which is known for creating so-called architecture in living, has grown. This is exactly what the aforementioned residential unit embodies, and two such prototypes were recently installed in Fikšinci in Prekmurje (yes, we exaggerated a bit in the title). These types of mobile units with an area of 50 square meters, which the client can design according to his wishes, are said to be a favorable alternative to the construction of classic houses. How does it look? It depends on the "mood" of the day, the surroundings and the weather.

Casa Invisible respectively invisible house is a practical modular housing prototype and two have recently been erected as well in Prekmurje. One mobile unit spans an area of 14.5 x 3.5 meters and is almost 100% made of wood, which can be recycled. It does not require the hum of machines to set it up, just a bigger truck that delivers it directly from the factory to you anywhere, because there are practically no restrictions on placement. She is clothed in an invisibility cloak, as it adorns her mirror facade. It does not bend the light so that it does not hit the house, but its image changes in a unique way merges with the surroundings. Hence its name, as it blends in with the space in which it is placed. One time it's a sunset, the second time it's a blue sky, and the third time it's the universe hiding in it.

READ MORE: Modern house in Cerknica - modern architecture and nature hand in hand

Such a beauty can now also be found in Prekmurje.
Such a beauty can now also be found in Prekmurje.

The interior of the invisible house Casa Invisible is almost fully customizable to the user, only the chimney (which separates the living area from the bedroom) and the sanitary wall are "concreted", but it is possible merger of units, as they did in Fikšinci. It is adorned with panoramic windows from head to toe (read: from ceiling to floor) for a complete overview of the surroundings. The journey to your own house has never been like this light and cheap and burdened with so little bureaucracy.

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