
Vampire cat – proof that vampires live among us, but not as humans

Monkey cat with vampire teeth.

Meet Monkey, a black cat who is proof that vampires really exist. But not among humans, but among cats. Namely, Monkey looks like a feline version of Dracula, as he has vampire teeth. But he is not the only cat of this kind, some time ago Loki the cat also became a real internet sensation, but he has slightly shorter teeth than Monkey.

Monkey it is black cat, who lives in New York. She once was a stray cat, which was saved from the streets by kind people. Nothing special, you will say. This is the story of every other cat in big cities. Hold on. But not every other cat has it teeth like a vampire.

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Monkey is a distant relative of Dracula.
Monkey is a distant relative of Dracula.

In contrast to the vampire teeth, which we humans wear for Halloween or Carnival, the teeth of the Monkey cat they are not artificially extended. As claimed by her owner and rescuer Nicole Rienzie, who came across Monkey on the road after her mother nearly hit her with a car and the poor kitty was completely malnourished and neglected, he doesn't drink blood, but like other cats, he enjoys milk the most. He also denies that the photos are Photoshopped.

Monkey looks dangerous, but in reality she has a soft heart.
Monkey looks dangerous, but in reality she has a soft heart.

Elongated teeth She didn't have Monkey at the time of adoption, they started growing later.

Loki the cat.
Loki the cat

Nicole soon began to worry, as they did were getting longer and longer, but not so much for herself, because she wasn't afraid that the cat would drink blood from her neck in the middle of the night, but she was worried about her health. But veterinarian he assured her that her cat was perfectly healthy and yes checans are indeed not common, but such anomalies do occur from time to time.

Gallery – the vampire cat Monkey:

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