Experience a different and very intimate special literary-musical evening in Etno Klub Zlati Zob together with Magnifica Balcountry...
The Art of Der Spiegel exhibition will be on display at the Museum of Architecture and Design from March 30, presenting an overview of five decades of the magazine's cover illustrations. In 1954, the art editor took over the cover image of the leading German magazine Der Spiegel for almost thirty years...
This time, Rockline chose the album Chicago V. You are invited to...
V petdesetih letih so se naši starejši in mladi arhitekti in drugi ustvarjalci z novim optimizmom za nove razmere lotili snovanja pohištva in interierjev, keramike, tekstila, kovine, stekla, nakita, grafičnega oblikovanja, fotografije, scenografije in kostumografije. V kratkih desetih letih so na sijajni podlagi ...