Razstava je plod sodelovanja med francosko organizacijo MSF (Zdravniki brez meja) in fotografsko agencijo VII. Sodelovali so pri projektu dokumentiranja problema podhranjenosti ...
Pregledna razstava francoske agencije AFP (Agence France-Presse), ene izmed treh največjih fotografskih agencij na svetu. Osredotočili se bomo na preteklo ...
The intensive practical film seminar is designed to provide all seminar participants with a practical introduction to a digital camera (or a camera on a mobile phone) and the key important principles...
Razstava Paola Pellegrina bo prva razstava v sklopu festivala Slovenia Press Photo 2011 in hkrati tudi otvoritvena razstava letošnjega festivala.
Razstavo "As I Was Dying", ki je v letu 2007 prejela prestižno nagrado Leica European Publishers Award in leto kasneje tudi Deutsche Fotobuchpreis 2008, ...
The new musical by the producer of the hit song Moje pesvi moje sanje with a superb cast and a familiar story! Familiar, right? Just admit it - don't you try to change your loved one every day, even though you fell in love with him precisely because of his difference? Yes, we women in particular are professionals at this, although also...
Godalni kvartet Accadémia Mojca Fortin in Beti Bratina, violini / Gea Pantner Volfand, viola / Zoran Bičanin, violončeloGodalni kvartet Accademia, ki je s svojim delovanjem začel leta 2009, sestavljajo študentje Akademije za glasbo iz komornega razreda prof. Tomaža Lorenza. Za seboj imajo vrsto ...
Da je tudi brezglutenska hrana lahko okusna, smo dokazali konec januarja na prvi letošnji City kuharski akademiji. Pod budnim očesom Kavalovih kuharskih mojstrov smo se naučili zamesiti testo za kruh in pripraviti pico ter odlične testenine z morskimi sadeži brez glutena. ...
Pozdravljeni, ljubitelji pisane besede in čudovitih ilustracij!V otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom smo se odločili, da slovenski kulturni praznik, ki ga obeležujemo 8. februarja, proslavimo na poseben način. V knjigarni, ki bo odprta po prazničnem urniku med 10.00 dopoldne in 18.00 ...
Pirate HELLO to lovers of beautiful and exciting stories! This Wednesday, 2.2. at 5:30 p.m., pirates will take up residence in the children's bookstore Kres under the castle. Namely, we will read the picture book Zlatko's Treasure, in which the rat Zlatko is looking for the most valuable treasure of all. The creative workshop will also take place in...
Entrance to the National Museum of Slovenia is free on the Slovenian cultural holiday. We have prepared a series of interesting events for you, and most museum publications will be available at a discount. In the exhibition spaces, you will meet our curators, who will be happy to give you a closer look at the objects on display.Program:
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Maybelline New York brand has revealed the highly anticipated limited edition calendar to the public. She put renowned and young established models in the foreground, who embody the pulse of the city that never sleeps and leaves no one behind in vivid portraits and unique make-up styling of Maybelline New York products...