
I love you, change

The new musical by the producer of the hit song Moje pesvi moje sanje with a superb cast and a familiar story! Familiar, right? Just admit it - don't you try to change your loved one every day, even though you fell in love with him precisely because of his difference? Yes, we women in particular are professionals at this, although also...

Important information
Celjski dom, Krekov trg 3, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
19.50 and 17.50 euros

The new musical by the producer of the hit song Moje pesvi moje sanje with a superb cast and a familiar story!

Familiar, right? Just admit it - don't you try to change your loved one every day, even though you fell in love with him precisely because of his difference? Yes, we women in particular are professionals at this, although it is not unknown to men either. "I love you - change!" and it doesn't just talk about love, but about the difference between the sexes, sex, careerism, loneliness, longing, parenting embarrassments, habits and vices, loyalty, boredom, aging... "I love you - change!" is a cruel reality to laugh at!

Ticket price: 19.50 and 17.50 EUR.

Ticket sales: TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3, phone: 03 42 87 936, 03 49 25 081, e-mail: tic@celje.si, Petrol and Eventim outlets across Slovenia and one hour before the show in Celjski dom.

Zavod Celeia Celje in cooperation with BTC Ljubljana SitiTeatre

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