The gastronomic harbingers of spring in the Karst – asparagus – are not only popular for their taste, as they are considered an almost unbeatable source of health. The people of Br'stov therefore pay them a special honor with the asparagus festival, which takes place as part of the Mesec festival...
Music school Muzikaviva in cooperation with Planet muzika doo organizes a guitar clinic - Guthrie Govan and Kiko Loureiro
He came like a bolt from the blue and rocked the pop music charts all over the world. Michael Holbrook Penniman Jr., better known to us all as Mika, really stirred up the pop waters. The twenty-six-year-old musician, born in Lebanon, now lives and creates in England. Brit Award Winner for Best...
The great icon of Turkish music, Sezen Aksu, is coming to Ljubljana. In her career spanning more than three decades, she wrote more than four hundred songs. Her songs are said to touch people not only because of her superb voice and interpretation, but also because of the unconventional lyrics that can be...
No, it is not an indispensable kitchen utensil that we use to mix various ingredients and prepare mayonnaise, soups and cream, but it is a new series of evenings in the K4 club in Ljubljana, the common thread of which will be the nineties of the last century. It was the time when they were in the "four"...
Po treh letih se v Gala halo vrača legenda dub glasbe Mad Professor. Prek svoje založbe Ariwa je izdal nekaj novih albumov, obrisal prah z nekaterih starih posnetkov in jim vdahnil novo življenje na albumih The Dubs That Time Forgot in Bitter Sweet ...
One of the best tribute groups of the legendary Irish band U2 is coming to Ljubljana. The group Elevation - U2 Experience from Great Britain always impresses with its appearance, sound and exceptional interpretation. The group is the best possible approximation of the famous music group U2. With an incredible stage...
The first lady of the Slovenian jazz music scene, Mia Žnidarič, is returning to the stage. With her trio, she will present to us her new musical creation, her latest album Nevidni orkester. The album thus represents a kind of auditory salvation at a time when most domestic music production seems to be limited to the level of banal...
The first lady of the Slovenian jazz music scene, Mia Žnidarič, is returning to the stage. With her trio, she will present to us her new musical creation, her latest album Nevidni orkester. The album thus represents a kind of auditory salvation at a time when most domestic music production seems to be limited to the level of banal...
Ljubitelji zapeljive house glasbe bomo zopet prišli na svoj račun. V klub InBox prihaja odličen didžej Simon Dunmore, ki ravno te dni izdaja svojo novo kompilacijo Zouk Out. Nastopil bo v sklopu house dogodkov, ki jih organizira Defected, verjetno edina založba na svetu, ki je ponesla izvirno izročilo ...
The quartet enjoys a reputation in Russia as one of the leading quartets of the 20th century. Its members come from the renowned Russian quartet school of Valentin Aleksandrovich Berlinski, which was formed at the Gnjesin Russian Academy of Music. The quartet is the winner of many prestigious awards. In the framework program, works will be carried out...
Simfonični koncert orkestra SNG Maribor je zaradi svoje vsebine oziroma izvedbe dveh klasičnih koncertnih skladb mojstrov Chopina in Šostakoviča, ki občinstva nikoli ne pustita ravnodušnega, kot nalašč za pomladno glasbeno uverturo, saj bo glavna glasbena gostja najodličnejša slovenska pianistka ...