Snoopy and Charlie Brown - The Peanuts Movie is the fifth feature-length animated film based on the timeless Peanuts cartoon characters by Charles M. Schulz. With an animated film adaptation, they will honor the 65th anniversary of the publication of the comic book (1950), which was translated into 21 languages and marked many childhoods. Charlie Brown and his sister Sally, the dog Snoopy, Linus van Pelt with his blue little girl and the gang are celebrating this "tradition" through freshly synchronized animation, which can also be seen in 3D technology, to be passed on to today's children as well.
Film & Tv
Boulevard is the last film of the late Robin Williams, whose fate has been hanging in the air for a long time, although it received a warm reception at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. In his latest role, Williams plays Nolan Mack, a middle-aged bank clerk and lonely man who lives a monotonous life, but it turns upside down when he stops a young prostitute Leo (Roberto Aguire) and begins to learn who he really is.
Count Dracula and company are back. The creators of The Smurfs and Arthur Božiček have prepared a sequel to the animated family adventure Adventures from Hotel Transylvania, where monsters go to rest from people. If in the first part 118 the birthday of Dracula's daughter Mavis and the invasion of man was in the foreground, in the sequel entitled Hotel Transylvania 2, his grandson Dennis causes his gray hair.
The story of the fallen cycling champion Lance Armstrong also got the Hollywood treatment. In the film The Program, Ben Foster (The Sole Survivor) took on the role of a disgraced superstar who literally swept away his cycling rivals at the famous Tour de France cycling race. And if the director of success or the man behind Armstrong was Johan Bruyneel, the man behind the camera of this biographical drama was director Stephen Frears.
In Bridge of Spies, the movie giants, director Steven Spielberg and actor Tom Hanks (Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can, Terminal) will join forces for the fourth time. It is a political espionage thriller from the Cold War era, based on real events, with the help of two other giants of the film industry, namely the Coen brothers (No Room for Old Men), who signed the script together with Matt Charman.
Now it's for real. 3 years after the first film, the end of one of the most successful franchises in the history of Hollywood, The Hunger Games, is coming to an end. The first official trailer for the last part of this dystopian epic The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 is already ahead of us. Is Katniss turning into a monster?
If you were asked for some of the most iconic and timeless movie quotes of all time, you'd probably rattle off at least five, right? CineFix has gathered as many as one hundred iconic and emblematic movie quotes that are deeply rooted in pop culture in one video.
The Martian is the latest film by director Ridley Scott (Exodus: Gods and Kings) with Matt Damon as "Chuck Noland" or "Robinson Crusoe", only on Mars. It is a sci-fi action film based on Andy Weir's book of the same name, where, in addition to Damon, Jeff Daniels, Kate Mara, Jessica Chastain, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Peña, Sean Bean and Kristen Wiig also appear.
Although boys don't like to admit it, they also get emotional when watching some movies. These are not necessarily sad in themselves, but they touch a person in a special way. And if many people only bring us to the brink of tears, in some even the most emotionally stable ones, anger gives way under the weight of tears. Because no one is immune to crying. And here's the proof. A list of movies that will make even men cry.
Stories about the ascent of Mount Everest have already been told in countless documentaries, but now Hollywood has a say, as it chose a true story as the basis of the film Everest and packed it into a first-class biographical adventure. Baltasar Kormákur's film describes an ill-fated expedition, and judging by the trailer, where a bunch of big names are lined up in front of the screen, we are not in for an ill-fated or even disastrous film, but a top disaster film.
Z for Zacharian is a science fiction film that takes us to a post-apocalyptic world where only one place was spared. It brings together three people, the last three survivors, who find themselves in a dangerous love triangle. The film is based on the book of the same name by Robert C. O'Brien and was signed by Craig Zobel (Compliance), who entrusted the acting roles to Margot Robbie, Chris Pino and Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous and iconic actresses of all time, but she never won an Oscar. In fact, critics have never been particularly fond of her. This is perhaps surprising, because today Marilyn Monroe is rightly recognized for her talent for comedy - today she is recognized as a great actress. Unfortunately, during her lifetime, Monroe was underappreciated and often paid less than her fellow actors, who were soon forgotten. Today, Marilyn Monroe is loved as much for her work as for her sex appeal, with the American Film Institute recognizing her as one of the six greatest female movie stars of all time. We have selected six films that prove that Marilyn Monroe was not only beautiful, but also talented. Here are the six best Marilyn Monroe movies.