
10 Most Expensive Hollywood Movies of All Time

Hollywood movies, especially blockbusters, are known for sparing no money, as their initial budget is usually really huge. The decision whether they will use this money to make a quality film or not is in the hands of the director and his team.

The quality of a film very often does not depend primarily on money alone, as we know of many great, memorable films that were made relatively cheaply. A good example of such a film is Godfather (The Godfather, 1972), for which it is Francis Ford Coppola then spent less than 6 million euros. The director also had almost the same amount of money at his disposal James Cameron, during the filming of the film Terminator (The Terminator, 1984). But despite the very limited budget, the results of both mentioned films are truly exceptional. Some Hollywood blockbusters have even had a mountain of money available, so our list can get you a little carried away.

Check out the 10 most expensive Hollywood movies of all time in the gallery.

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