The Slovenian animated cartoon Diego and friends goes out into the world, similar to how Talking Cat Tom and his friends went, but on a different path. This cartoon for children exists only in the Slovenian language, and with the funds collected on Kickstater, the creators at the production studio Medinmleko hope that the bulldog Diego will succeed in breaking into the English-speaking market. With the 30,000 euros collected, his dubbing adventures could be brought closer to foreign children as well.
Film & Tv
In addition to interesting plots and unique characters, we are also attracted to film fashion, which tells special fashion stories. Here are 70s movies for all the fashionistas out there…
Psycho is considered one of the most influential films of all time, and the iconic shower scene appears at the very top of the charts of the most infamous film shots in the history of the seventh art. The master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, spent a week filming the scene, which is just under 3 minutes long and contains more than 40 cuts and 77 camera angles. Check out other details from the filming of this unforgettable scene where Janet Leigh naked screamed in the shower in 1960.
It took a dozen years for Peter Bogdanovich, one of the most famous directors of his generation, to send a new film to the big screen. He broke his twelve-year fast with the sarcastic romantic comedy Tavalka pach je (She's funny that way), i.e. the genre with which he made his name with the films What's Up, Doc?, Paper Moon, They All Laughed and Noises Off.
Now that we've got the first trailer for the Danny Boyle-directed Steve Jobs biopic, the modern-day Thomas Edison can stop rolling in his grave because it's a much better-crafted biopic than the 2013 one in which he played the tech guru Ashton Kutcher and did not live up to expectations. There was a lot of stalling with this film as well, but still in pre-production, especially around the director (David Fincher was first signed under him) and the main actor. The role eventually went to Michael Fassbender (Prometheus).
If you were worried that a new cast and a new director would spoil HBO's detective series True Detective, you can slowly stop worrying. Yes, it will be difficult to step into the shoes of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, but after the first real trailer, we can be a lot more reassured, because it seems that Vince Vaughn, Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch will be worthy successors of Rust and Marty.
Disney has always been "at home" in magic and mystery, which is proven once again in the mysterious adventure Tomorrowland: The World Beyond. It was directed by two-time Oscar winner Brad Bird, who otherwise directed hits such as Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol and The Incredibles. And if Alice had a magic potion and Charlie the Bucket had a golden ticket, rebellious teenager Casey has a magic badge. He takes her to a mysterious world where nothing is impossible. But of course there is someone who wants to spoil it all.
"A long time ago on the set of Star Wars, far far away..." The Star Wars saga spans four decades, as the first film, Episode IV: A New Hope, was filmed way back in 1977. In honor of the return of the original cast , who is returning to his old jobs this year in the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens after several decades of hiatus, let's take a look at what the key players were like in the past and what we can expect on the movie screens today.
Robert De Niro, who is known for many iconic roles, turns into an intern in the latest film, and Anne Hathaway into his superior. Yes, you read that right. De Niro plays Ben Whittaker, a retired citizen who joins an internship program for the elderly. He assigns it to a fashion website run by Jules Austin (Hathaway). Although it's an unusual relationship that seems doomed, Ben quickly becomes an office favorite.
Although the musical film Prava nota set the bar very high with the first film, it seems that the girls from the group Bardenska Belle will move it an octave higher in the second. For the past few months, we've been teased with trailers for Perfect Note 2, letting us know that the first film's success was no fluke. The pop culture phenomenon is already waiting for us in cinemas from May 14, 2015 with a new dose of laughter, great singing and life lessons.
We often say that works of art speak for the artists, but simply admiring their works is not enough to really get to know the artists. Fortunately, rich biographical films come to our aid here, showing us the interesting lives of top artists who have gone down in art history.
Every 10 years, the film magazine Sight and Sound conducts a short survey of film critics around the world to determine which films are considered the best of all time. The survey was first conducted in 1952 and is now generally considered the most important and respected survey in the field of film and film criticism.