Parker is the most daring, mischievous and relentless thief, expert schemer. To accomplish seemingly impossible feats at work, he expects only complete commitment and loyalty from his team, as well as strict adherence to the plan. But the latest venture is ruined due to the carelessness of one of the...
Film & Tv
Alfred Hitchcock is renowned as the film's master of suspense, orchestrating some of the most sinister experiences and intrigues audiences have seen. But there's another side lurking behind the scenes: his creatively explosive love affair with determined wife and co-creator Alma Reville. A biopic this time...
This time, Walt Disney presents us with a witty adventure that takes place while wildly jumping through arcade games. Ralph is a bastard from an old game from the 80s, who for decades has been living in the shadow of the repairman Srečko, the star of the game and the good guy who always solves all problems. Tired of playing the role of a bastard, he takes matters into his own hands...
This time, the famous police detective John McClane finds himself in the middle of deadly corruption and political vendettas in Russia. McClane arrives in Moscow to track down his estranged son, Jack, but is stunned to learn that the boy is secretly guarding government spy Komarov. The McClans are wearing skin for sale again and they have to forget about the old...
Bob Marley was a musician, revolutionary, legend, avid soccer player, lover, husband and father of eleven children. Through conversations with friends, family members and musical colleagues, as well as a series of never-before-seen archive footage, we follow Marley's life from his childhood in the poor...
The film adaptation of Victor Hugo's timeless novel is an adaptation of the award-winning stage musical. The story is set in France at the beginning of the 19th century, when the wayward Jean serves a long prison sentence for stealing bread. On the loose, he meets a factory worker and prostitute Fantina and promises her that he will take care of...
The rich human drama offers an intimate glimpse into the most dangerous and revealing moments in the life of an American president at a time when the dark shadow of slavery began to rise and a country torn apart by war had to be reunited. With a lot of sacrifice and passion, faced with public pressure and...
The film is a true story based on the autobiographical notes of California-based journalist and poet Mark O'Brien. Mark survived polio and spent most of his life on a ventilator. At the age of 38, he decides on an unlikely venture, namely to taste the emotional and physical...
The film is an uncompromising western set two years before the American Civil War, and its central character is the slave Django. His brutal past with his former owners leads him to meet German bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz, who is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers. Weird Schultz...
The film is based on the world-famous novel by Tolstoy, whose focus is social criticism and a violent story about love and passion, compromise and adultery, social norms and self-realization. At the end of the 19th century, the life of Russian aristocrats is like a beehive closed and at the same time lively in the world of intrigue, deception...
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