
"Lincoln", directed by Steven Spielberg

The rich human drama offers an intimate glimpse into the most dangerous and revealing moments in the life of an American president at a time when the dark shadow of slavery began to rise and a country torn apart by war had to be reunited. With a lot of sacrifice and passion, faced with public pressure and...

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The rich human drama offers an intimate glimpse into the most dangerous and revealing moments in the life of an American president at a time when the dark shadow of slavery began to rise and a country torn apart by war had to be reunited. With great sacrifice and passion, faced with pressures from the public and his own privacy, he faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles as he tried to convince the House of Representatives to pass the 13th Amendment, which was supposed to end slavery forever. But he was most interested in forcing the American people and those in his government who did not share his beliefs to change their goals and start standing for something bigger; for the good of all mankind.

Unlucky ones

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