Kay and Arnold are a devoted couple, but after decades of marriage, Kay wants to spice things up a bit. When she learns of a famous marriage specialist in the town of Great Hope Springs, she tries to convince a skeptical husband who swears by a fixed routine to take a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Already...
Film & Tv
To Rome with Love is a colorful comedy that presents different human destinies intertwining their unusual life paths in the eternal city. In the film, we meet the renowned American architect John, who relives his youth, the average local Leopold, who suddenly becomes the biggest personality in Rome, the young...
Paul WS Anderson once again takes on the dual role of director and screenwriter in a stunning spectacle where Alice continues to search for the remaining survivors to save them from their disastrous fate. The deadly virus of the Umbrella Corporation continues to wreak havoc on the planet without compromise, turning humanity into...
Film raziskuje skrivno življenje 16. predsednika Združenih držav Amerike, Abrahama Lincolna, ki odkrije, da nameravajo vampirji prevzeti ZDA. Njegova naloga je, da jih odpravi in tako postane največji lovec na vampirje. Cena vstopnic: od 4,60 do 5,30 ...
Že devetinšestdesetič bodo podelili zlatega beneškega leva najboljšemu filmu po mnenju žirije. Letos žiriji predseduje Alberto Barbera. Festival uvaja nekaj novosti: Venice Film Market, Festivalski college in novo sprejemno dvorano v Palazzo dell ...
The three-day film program by Lake Bled is dedicated to local Niki Bohinc, a dedicated and talented film connoisseur who spread Slovenian film across borders. With her opinion, she has often co-shaped film festivals, even the films themselves. The film program reawakens her passion for...
The fourth CIA spy action film is the first not to star Matt Damon. Nevertheless, we can expect an experience full of action, twists and special effects... In this part, the CIA decides to stop Operation Outcome. The agents who started the operation find themselves in a dangerous situation. Ticket price: from 3.80 to 5.30...
Brutalna črna komedija o 22-letnem Chrisu, malem kriminalcu, ki mu je sreča obrnila hrbet. A ko v obupu najame plačanega morilca, da bi se dokopal do življenjske zavarovalnine svoje ničvredne matere, ter privoli, da si šarmantni Joe kot jamstvo vzame njegovo na videz nedolžno mlajšo sestro, gredo stvari lahko le ...
Eden najteže pričakovanih filmov letošnjega festivala v Cannesu je Cronenberga mojstrska predelava romana Dona DeLilla. Zgodba spremlja 24-urno odisejado mladega hiperkapitalista (igra ga Pattinson), ki na zadnjem sedežu bele limuzine, prebijajoče se skozi nemirne ulice Manhattna, počasi drsi proti neizbežnemu finalu. ...
The fun-loving Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still on their way to their home in New York. Their journey takes them through Europe, where they find the perfect cover - a traveling circus. It will never be the same with their arrival. Ticket price: from 3.80 to 5.30...
V malce prismojeni komediji zmešnjav znova srečamo Marion iz filma 2 dni v Parizu, ki zdaj živi s svojim novim fantom v New Yorku. Ko na obisk prispejo njeni ekscentrični francoski sorodniki, se par nepričakovano znajde v navzkrižnem ognju stopnjujočega se kaosa in kulturnih nesporazumov. Cena vstopnic: 5 ...