The introductory and advanced photography course is intended for everyone who is interested in photography, regardless of age, education and prior knowledge, who...
Po Celju se bo vila pesem!29. Mednarodni mladinski pevski festival v Celju od 6. do 10. aprila.
Vabljeni na različne celjske lokacije: "na zvezdo", Trg celjskih knezov, Krekov in Glavni trg, na Stanetovo ulico pred Metropol in v Celjski dom ter na Stari grad Celje, da prisluhnete pesmi mladih in poklonite hipec ...
All fans of "old school" rock music are invited to a pleasant evening on Tuesday, March 22nd, accompanied by the sounds of the band ...
Experience a different and very intimate special literary-musical evening in Etno Klub Zlati Zob together with Magnifica Balcountry...
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