At the end of the last millennium, the four Followill brothers from Tennessee, USA, founded the group Kings Of Leon, which today is considered one of the best modern alternative rock groups. The first two albums Youth And Young Manhood and Aha Shake Heartbreak entered the top five best selling...
A great hip-hop event is in store for us, which will rock us thoroughly and make us think about one or another thing. Edo Maajka is coming to Kino Šiška. He will present to us his last released album entitled Spomen ploča, which contains all his greatest hits of the past four...
The twenty-three-year-old Romanian singer Elena Alexandra Apostoleanu, stage name Inna, is coming to the coast. With her musical debut, the hit song Hot, she went down in the history of dance music in her homeland and within a few months won the first places on the music charts in Europe. She is this year's winner of the MTV award...
Slovenian harmonica player Marko Hatlak performs as a soloist with an orchestra, in recitals, duets or in musical groups. Many who have heard him play say that he plays from the point where the soul meets the body. For this concert, he will join forces with his Japanese colleague, keyboardist Miha Maegaita. The young Japanese pianist is fresh and...
An exceptional and impactful group from Bosnia and Herzegovina has already impressed many times with concerts here and abroad. Two vocals, a great rhythm section and a percussive guitar rock that merges with a hypnotic reggae sound will excite us and offer us something new and make us dance...
Skupina, ki je v začetku novega tisočletja slovensko glasbeno sceno zajela kot vihar, se vrača na glasbene odre. Po menjavah pevke in turbulencah na svoji poti so ponovno združili moči v stari postavi. Pripravljajo novi album, za katerega najavljajo, da bo moderen z elektronskimi izleti in pridihom osemdesetih ...
Renowned composer and musician Vasko Atanasovski presents his music in a trio at this concert. The band also consists of Marjan Stanič on drums and Dejan Lapanja on electric guitar. The repertoire includes the album Live from Stara elektrarna zasedbe Mljask and also some new musical treats. The musicians are...
Trenutno najbolj vroča romska zasedba v Evropi prihaja iz Valjeva v Srbiji in se bo ustavila tudi v naši prestolnici. Skupina Kal igra ljudsko in sodobno glasbo, zasnovano na tradicionalnih romskih melodijah. Na odru so vedno polni energije. S hitrim jezikom in prsti, ščepcem balkanskega humorja in svežim zvokom ...
Kulturno društvo Jazzva pripravlja tradicionalni festival vokalne a capella zabavne glasbe, ki bo tudi tokrat prava poslastica za oči in ušesa.
Vljudno vabljeni!
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Tokrat bodo nastopili:* ...
Družinski ansambel za prosperiranje poezije in glasbe Papir bo 17.11.2010, ob 20h, nastopil v Stari mestni elektrarni - Elektro Ljubljana. Na koncertu bodo člani ansambla (Igor Bezget, Sebastijan Duh, Ana Bezjak, Maja Keuc, Bruno Domiter in Tadej Kampl) predstavili skladbe z nove plošče ''Po viharju'', ki bo 12.11.2010 ...