TWO STUDENTS AND ME First there was a book...then love at first sight...Under the initials JP hides a long-standing love...
Vabljeni v torek, 13. novembra 2012, ob 19. uri v Festivalno dvorano v Ljubljani na literarno glasbeno prireditev ob izidu ...
Don't miss a public guided tour of the History and Art Collections: Valvasor and His Time: Second Half of the 17th Century exhibition. Led by Tina Istinič. Valvasor lived in the Baroque era, a period that influenced the views of all classes of the population. Baroque looked for grandeur and strong impressions in fine art. In the musical...
The visit of Victoria Chaplin - the daughter of the American legend Charlie Chaplin - and Jean-Baptiste Thierrée is difficult to describe with the right amount of enthusiasm, since it is about a creator who, not without reason, has fascinated the world public for decades. Excitement isn't all, though...
Expressionist Oskar Kokoschka is an outstanding artist who strongly influenced the fine arts of the 20th century. Due to the wide production, the exhibition had to be limited and presents the artist's lesser-known works on paper: cards for the Viennese workshops in the Art Nouveau spirit, book accessories, the cover for the famous magazine Der...
Look, across the border! is a cycle of foreign guests, which presents us and the creators with relevant performances from theaters with similar content from abroad. Oktoberski Look, across the border! subtitled Gib, it is dedicated to physical theatre. The audience will thus get to know the theatrical study of Jožef Nadje, which he will present...
Najnovejša drama Matjaža Zupančiča je nagrajena z lanskoletno Grumovo nagrado. Žirijo je prepričala kot spretno napisano besedilo, ki s preprostimi primeri spregovori o globalni sliki sveta. Drama pripoveduje o Jožefu Kotniku, ki se odpravi v nakupovalni center Shocking Shopping, da bi kupil kruh in pol piščanca. ...
When a modern opera work is born in our space, as a result of collaboration between a renowned librettist and a composer, it is a reason for a small celebration, but above all to see the new production. Love capital is an example of the aforementioned. It is a synthesis of libretto and direction by Vinko Möderndorfer and music by composer Jani...
Največji gledališki dogodek leta uvaja nekaj sprememb, kar bo razveselilo marsikaterega ljubitelja odrske umetnosti. V primerjavi z lanskim letom se je festival še bolj internacionaliziral in razširil v mednarodni prostor, prvič v zgodovini pa se je preizkusil tudi v vlogi koproducenta. V sodelovanju z EPK ...
The Sylphide ballet is one of the oldest romantic ballets still performed today, and we remember it from last season, when it was staged by the famous Frank Andersen based on Bournoville's choreography. The story takes us to Scotland to a young peasant boy, James, who, just before his wedding, is seduced by a fabulous...