Z obiskom gostujoče razstave bomo lahko doživeli delček največje svetovne glasbene legende, Elvisa Presleyja, preko njegovih predmetov. Gre za edino tovrstno razstavo na svetu. Do ...
Glasbeno odrski dogodek par excellence, namenjen celotni družini, je zaradi velikega zanimanja najavil še nekaj junijskih predstav in hkrati sporočil, da se najverjetneje poslavlja od odrskih desk. Produkcija Prešernovega gledališča ...
The exhibition is the first transparent presentation of feminist art in our country. It covers a wide time frame, from the latest and new works to historical works of art created in various visual media: photographs, video, print, ...
The Špas Teatar production, which is probably one of the most acclaimed performances this season, will also show its strengths on the coast. After the presentation in Ljubljana, we can say that it is definitely worth seeing, but not only because of the excellent cast, excellent ...
The three-day Ondin Otta international competition of young opera singers from artists who enchant us with their voices selects the best every year, who are promising a successful career in the world's opera houses. The event is also considered very prestigious due to...
About the exhibition 'Šebrek is not a writer, but his photographs are sophisticatedly and skillfully woven photographic stories, much like poets write their poetry. These are photographs with pronounced contrasts of light and dark surfaces, beautiful details, magnificent stone decorations and statues, sculptures, emphasized ...
As is known, Ljubljana holds the title of World Book Capital this year. This prestigious title, which ...
Vabimo vas v Narodni muzej Slovenije – Prešernova na strokovno vodstvo po razstavi MONKODONJA IN MUŠEGO. Utrjena naselbina mestne zasnove in nekropola iz bronaste dobe (1800–1200 pr. n. št.). Po razstavi bo vodila akad. prof. dr. Biba Teržan, vodja arheoloških raziskav obeh najdišč in ...
Otvoritev razstave: 27. maj 2010 ob 19 uri
Kje: V galeriji Okviri iN, Hacquetova 9, ...