Gregor Kamnikar & Marjeta KamnikarM (version 2.2)premiere of the documentary show.ops.siMother and son make a show. In which nothing good is said about the mother. About the son. About their relationship. About my mother's debut as a dancer in the seventies. There is less talk in this...
Ni ravno pogosto, da umetnik uspešno združuje toliko različnih izraznih slogov kot to počne Zmago Jeraj. Rojen Ljubljančan danes živi in dela v Mariboru, del svojega fotografskega ciklusa, ...
Fashion fruit is an exhibition of fashion designers, organized by Magdalena, Srede and niOka. It will take place on Saturday at the main Maribor Market from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. invited As part of Magdalena, the following will be presented at the Maribor market: Nika Ravnik-niOka with clothes Neli Štrukelj with bags...
V nedeljo, 9. maja 2010, ob 11. uri bo v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije - Metelkova potekalo vodstvo po Študijskih zbirkah uporabne umetnosti. Vstopnina po ceniku, doplačilo za vodstvo je 1 evro.Vljudno vabljeni!Več: ...
Based on the catalog of the Czech numismatist Vladimir Filip, the exhibition shows reproductions of paper banknotes that circulated in Austria between 1759 and 1918, as well as in today's Slovenian and Czech territories. Banknotes are displayed chronologically, in some cases, in addition to the existing ones, there are also...
The ballet moves to Kino Šiška. And why not, since it is, after all, Urban Ballet, or a series of SNG Opera and Ballet performances aimed at young choreographers. To young people, especially for the fresh spirit and fresh way of thinking that they bring to...
Muzikal svetovnega slovesa The Full Monty je nastal po istoimenskem filmu iz leta 1997, ki je navdušil tako rekoč vse generacije in si prislužil nominacije za štiri oskarje. Zgodba britanskega filma je leta 2000 na odru Broadwaya požela velik uspeh z več kot 770 ...
V Lokavcu pri Ajdovščini se bo ljubljanski ansambel SNG Opera in balet predstavil z dvema komičnima opernima enodejankama, ki sta ju ustvarila dva izmed največjih skladateljev: Mozartov Gledališki direktor in Rossinijeva Ženitna ponudba. ...
In the drama A Beautiful Day to Die, two people face each other: mother and daughter. The former still lives as in her rebellious teenage years, even thinks exactly the same as she did back then. For her, time stopped exactly twenty-five years ago. More...