The closing performance of the initial group "Adults", Barica Blenkuš School of Drama, under the mentorship of Barbara Žefran. The performance takes the form of a series of monologues in which the characters...
The closing performance of the group "Adults - intensive" of the Barica Blenkuš Drama School, under the mentorship of Barbara Pie Jenič. The play is about SUZN, who is hungry for life, authentic, sincere, pure, hearty, noble... But the environment she lives in does not offer her the right food; ...
Closing performance of the group "Junior elementary school students - advanced" of the Barica Blenkuš Drama School, under the mentorship of Boštjan Štorman. Brief description of the performance: Many years ago, the Agata Wloob orphanage stood on this site. There was some clear...
With the second big event of 2011, on June 12, WFC returns to the Tivoli Hall with an excellent program that will focus on Slovenian representatives! WFC 14 will host the most talented and renowned MMA fighters from Slovenia in their respective categories. We will be represented by Bor "Playbor"...
On Saturday, 21.5. we will celebrate the 1st birthday of the children's bookshop 'Kres pod gradom'. We invited, of course, the children first. This bookshop is mainly intended for them. .
Warm greetings, young and old lovers of children's books and creativity! Also this Wednesday, May 18 at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, where we are once again holding a fairy tale hour. As usual, we will create after reading the story. The fairy clock is suitable for children from...
Severa Gjurin, a singer who paints melodies? A painter who sings images? Her creative power and passion for everything beautiful is clearly enough for both. Her, not only beautiful voice, but also extremely subtle musical expression, impressed already in the band Olivi, and despite her youth, she is already surely one of the greatest...
The digital economy can be defined as a type of production that processes bits instead of atoms. The digital economy operates in the immaterial environment of global information connectivity, social networks and the digital flow of content and services. All of the above activities do not exist by themselves, but are fatally linked with...