Na kolesarskem kampu bomo spoznavali "skrivnosti" gorskega kolesarstva. Namenjen je vsem tistim, ki bi radi svoje kolesarsko znanje nadgradili s praktičnimi nasveti LTF-učiteljev. Spoznali se bomo z osnovnimi tehnikami spusta in freerida, z ocenjevanjem in s premagovanjem terena, s pravilnim zaviranjem, z vožnjo v ...
The beginning of the salt pan season attracts many visitors to Piran, as it combines a rich program with the attractive environment of the salt pans. On the first day, we will enjoy an evening dedicated to salt and a saltworks dinner. The next day, we can treat ourselves to a saltworks afternoon in Terme, a visit to the saltworks festival and the procession of St. Jurija in Piran, ...
The spring version from the Annual Round of the Anna Monroe Theater puts the dance movement in the street in the foreground. Similar to last year, the event will be a combination of art dance and social scene. The project is co-organized by Fiča Ballet, which has been taking care of dance events all over the Balkans with NOMAD Dance Academy for several years. A number of...
Collegiumov prvomajski oddih je kombinacija clubbinga z najbolj vročimi DJ-ji in športno-plesnimi aktivnostmi, kot sta tekmovanje miss wet shirt, boat party … Letos bosta največji zvezdi Collegiumovega Spring Breaka glasbeni dvojec iz Londona The Shapeshifters, znana po hitih, kot so Lola's ...
Konec meseca se za nekaj dni v parku razcveti več kot dva milijona tulipanov, ki obarvajo celotno območje Arboretuma. Do 1. maja bo vzporedno potekala še razstava vrtnarstva, drevesničarstva in vrtne opreme, poseben del pa je namenjen vrtnarskemu sejmu, kjer bo svojo ponudbo predstavilo okoli 60 domačih in tujih vrtnarskih ...
In its third performance, the Trbovel mirror of art will show the results of the networking that was built over the past two years, when the festival started. This year's overarching theme – the relationship between science and art – was taken up by three curators: Herwig Steiner from Vienna, Sreča Dragan from Ljubljana and Michaela Ortner from Linz. That ...
Zgodba razstave se začne v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ko je na Brniku začelo delovati podjetje Adria Aviopromet, konča pa se letos, ko lahko z Letališča Jožeta Pučnika letimo po vsej Evropi. Ob ogledovanju fotografij in posnetkov bomo gotovo občutili nekaj nostalgije in želje po širjenju ...
Three-day presentation of new trends and reduced prices. The designers, who are among the most popular Ljubljana fashion designers, Alenka Globočnik and Matjaž Faganel, offer readers an insight into the latest current collection in the joint...
Until World Book Day, Slovenian Book Days will be held in the centers of some Slovenian cities. For several years now, the program has been taking place first in Maribor. This year the theme is Literature and Music. The main guest is Milan Dekleva, and in eight days there will also be a poetry tournament, a guest appearance by Jakša Fiamengo with...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER, THE EVENT CANCELLED! ...
Kavarna Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešern. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje!~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...
Kavarna Tromostovje in Glasbena agencija GIG vas vabita na glasbene večere v čarobnem ambientu Ljubljanice in Franceta Prešerna. Poleg odličih performensov mojstrov glasbe, lahko uživate tudi v pestri gurmanski ponudbi. Se vidimo na Melodijah Tromostovja!~ V PRIMERU ...