Nekaj manj kot sto fotografij Lee Miller – ikone, ki je začela svojo kariero kot vrhunska manekenka za modni reviji Vouge in Vanity Fair, nadaljevala kot ljubimka in učenka nadrealističnega fotografa Mana Rayja v Parizu in končala kot kultna fotografinja umetniške, modne in vojne fotografije – predstavlja vsaj ...
Zgodba preprostega kmečkega dekleta, ki se brezglavo zaljubi v plemiča Albrechta, si zaradi njegove prevare vzame življenje in se po smrti pridruži mladim dekletom, ki v maščevalnem duhu plešejo po gozdovih in prežijo na mlade fante, je zaradi glasbe, eteričnega plesa, kostumografije in ne nazadnje zgodbe baletna ...
V novembru bo nekaj večerov rezerviranih za tri komedije in eno erotično aluzijo. Gre za produkcije amaterskih gledališč, združenih v tekmovalnem programu Novačanovih gledaliških srečanj. S komedijo Kralj Ubu, polno cirkuških, burkaških in igrivih elementov, so se spoprijeli v KD Svoboda osvobaja in ...
The production of the Koper theater about the adventure of Stanko Škerjanc-Scheriani, the owner of Trieste's local Radio Juriš, with Pope Celestine VI, is a masterly interpretation by Gojmir Lešnjak - Gojca and Boris Kobal. Two completely opposite characters accidentally find themselves on the radio: a former...
Igor Samobor's directorial debut Custom kitchen, everyday horror, is a well-cooked, "cheesy" seasoned theater that combines the humor of the Monty Python group, grafted with the proverbial wit of the Formula One driver Mike Hakinen and placed on the stage in the form of .. .
Just over a year ago, you worked for the multinational company Unilever; is it possible to compare the work of a multinational and a family business with so many years of tradition? If, after several years of working in a multinational company, you become a "member" of a family that has had its own company in a certain country for more than a century,...
How would you explain the design of an industrial product to us, the end users? Aljoša: In short, it is the development of a specific product from the beginning, i.e. the client's wishes, to the end, when the product can be used by the user. Primož: It is essential that...
Intended for individuals who suffer because they cannot find their own expression, contact with themselves and their surroundings, who cannot live and be who they really are. It is ideal for couples who "can't hear each other" anymore, are going through a period of emptiness, are in...
Svetovalna družba A.T. Kearney v sodelovanju z Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije pripravlja okroglo mizo z naslovom "Kako doseči preboj v regijskih top 100? Izzivi in pričakovanja za ...
The Imperial-Royal Archive is a book collection that was published by Vienna's Archive Publishing House between 2000 and 2004. In addition to Carniola and Primorje, it also covered other parts of Austria-Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Lombardy and Galicia. The time collection covers the 19th century and the time until the collapse of the monarchy in 1918. In ...
As part of the humanitarian campaign organized by the Initiative Committee of Črna vas and Lipe, a large charity concert will be held in the sports hall Krim in Ljubljana, namely on Sunday 7 November 2010...