Prireditev Beachmaster že drugič poteka ob Ptujskem jezeru, kjer s temperaturami, strastjo in zabavo konkurira mediteranskim plažam. Gre za turnir odbojke na mivki, kjer se najboljše slovenske ekipe pomerijo z dvojicami iz tujine. Po ...
Viteške igre in Erazmov viteški turnir slovita po spektakularnosti, ki že nekaj let privablja obiskovalce tudi iz oddaljenih "kraljestev". Oba dneva prireditve sta napolnjena z doživetji. V pristnem okolju bomo priča spopadom ...
Vsi, ki se nikoli ne naveličamo ritmov salse, si moramo tretji vikend v juliju rezervirati za najbolj nor salsa dogodek v tem delu Evrope. Sestavljajo ga tri zabave z najlepšim razgledom, kjer se bomo lahko med premorom tudi ...
Največja turistična prireditev spremeni majhno mestece v center rajanja. Ob zaključnem večeru, ko mesto preplavi množica, nas bodo zabavali Pero Lovšin, Zoran Predin, Six Pack Čukur in mnogi drugi. Ta večer se lahko prepustimo tudi ...
Food that used to be considered accessible to everyone has more fans every year, and as a result, so do the holidays. In Ozeljan, the organizers hold it in the courtyard of the local manor, which contributes to a special atmosphere. At the event...
Despite the fact that the musical version of the cult film, which was created during Yugoslavia, premiered on Youth Day two years ago, it remains one of the most popular musicals in Serbia and abroad. Last year, he ranked among the biggest...
The Golden Lion Theater Festival in Umag was designed ten years ago by Damir Zlatar Frey with the aim of breaking down linguistic boundaries within theater creation, which he succeeded in, as the event became very recognizable in the northern part of the Mediterranean. Every...
We probably know Fran Finžgar's novel from elementary school. For this year's premiere of the Studenec theater, this is a slightly older text that deals with people's freedom. It was dramatized and performed by Roman Končar. So...
Until August 28, as part of the Puf puppet festival in Koper, Izola, Piran, Dekani and Ankaran, we will be able to watch around thirty performances, which, with the help of puppets, bring improvements to seaside towns to both adults and children in interesting locations, mostly outdoors. Most artists from...