Sejem bo potekal v sodelovanju s Fotoklubom Maribor. Ponujal bo prodajo in nakup ...
The party was for urban dogs. Dog boutique Pasja zvezda has prepared real dog catering with GranataPet briquettes and presented extremely trendy leashes, collars, raincoats, t-shirts and many other handy things. Playa provided fresh water, from Pasje...
V našo bližino, natančneje na hrvaško primorje, prihaja zdaj že skorajda legenda elektronske glasbe. Gre za Fatboy Slima ali Normana Cooka. Pionir elektronske glasbe je svoj vrhunec in masovno popularnost doživel sredi devetdesetih. Zasluge lahko brez dvoma pripišemo le njemu, mojstru ritmov, ki je klubsko ...
Did you know that archeology is much more than the perilous adventure of Indiana Jones and the search for ancient treasures? That's why we invite children to the company of the famous archaeologist Jane Žlička, who will present her work in detail and teach us about the meaning and significance of archaeological remains. We will help her with...
Spoštovani ljubitelji dobrih okusov in vrhunskih vin,
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BMK - Klub bez meja invites all mountain and recreational runners, hikers, nature lovers, Golice and narcissus, young and old, in short, everyone who enjoys sports, nature, fun and good company to join us for the first mountain run to Golica with an accompanying recreational hike and evening entertainment! An event ...
Fashion fruit is an exhibition of fashion designers, organized by Magdalena, Srede and niOka. It will take place on Saturday at the main Maribor Market from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. invited As part of Magdalena, the following will be presented at the Maribor market: Nika Ravnik-niOka with clothes Neli Štrukelj with bags...
Discoballs will open the concert venue for you! You are invited to an unforgettable party at the end of May...
Ekipa preverjenih glasbenikov je pred približno sedmimi leti v paket visoko kakovostne glasbe zapakirala funk, jazz in rock. Glavno vlogo imajo nabrite kitarske linije, "groovy" bas in druge značilnosti glasbe iz sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Le-ta je predvsem intrumentalna, tu in tam pa jo prekinejo hudomuni in ...
Mama Manka, the legendary woman without a hair on her tongue, feels so at home on stage with her Rock Otočec boys that she forgets time in the rhythm of funk. A group of nice people from Dolenj, gathered in an excellent musical ensemble, spoils the audience not only with Manka's specific humor, ...
Pub Rock'n'roll Heart and Music Agency GIG have joined forces with the aim of making Zeleni Gaj the place of the best summer parties and outdoor concerts again! Come to an unforgettable party, you won't...