Discoballs will open the concert venue for you! You are invited to an unforgettable party at the end of May...
Ekipa preverjenih glasbenikov je pred približno sedmimi leti v paket visoko kakovostne glasbe zapakirala funk, jazz in rock. Glavno vlogo imajo nabrite kitarske linije, "groovy" bas in druge značilnosti glasbe iz sedemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Le-ta je predvsem intrumentalna, tu in tam pa jo prekinejo hudomuni in ...
Mama Manka, the legendary woman without a hair on her tongue, feels so at home on stage with her Rock Otočec boys that she forgets time in the rhythm of funk. A group of nice people from Dolenj, gathered in an excellent musical ensemble, spoils the audience not only with Manka's specific humor, ...
Pub Rock'n'roll Heart and Music Agency GIG have joined forces with the aim of making Zeleni Gaj the place of the best summer parties and outdoor concerts again! Come to an unforgettable party, you won't...
V nedeljo, 9. maja 2010, ob 11. uri bo v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije - Metelkova potekalo vodstvo po Študijskih zbirkah uporabne umetnosti. Vstopnina po ceniku, doplačilo za vodstvo je 1 evro.Vljudno vabljeni!Več: ...
Da bo odštevanje do letošnjih koncertov glasbene trilogije Itak Džafest minilo hitreje, Itak za vse željne zabave pred vsakim koncertom pripravlja po dve predkoncertni ...
Da bo odštevanje do letošnjih koncertov glasbene trilogije Itak Džafest minilo hitreje, Itak za vse željne zabave pred vsakim koncertom pripravlja po dve predkoncertni ...
Directed by: Louie Psihoyos. Cast: Richard O'Barry, Louie Psihoyos, Simon Hutchins, Mandy-Rae Cruickshank, Kirk Krack, Charles Hambleton, David Rastovich, Scott Baker.Hidden Bay begins in the Japanese seaside town of Taiji, visited by former dolphin trainer Richard O'Barry . In the 60s, it was he who caught and...
Director: Jasmila Žbanić. Starring: Zrinka Cvitešić, Leon Lucev, Ermin Bravo, Mirjana Karanović, Marija Kohn, Nina Violić, Sebastian Cavazza. Luna and Amar are a couple and their relationship is about to be put to the test. Amar loses his job because he showed up to work drunk. Luna's fear of a shared future still...
Directed by: Louis Leterrier. Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton, Izabella Miko, Nicholas Hoult, Alexa Davalos. In Clash of the Titans, a power struggle erupts between mere mortals and kings and kings and gods; but what can destroy the whole world is a fight between the gods themselves. Perseus, who...
Based on the catalog of the Czech numismatist Vladimir Filip, the exhibition shows reproductions of paper banknotes that circulated in Austria between 1759 and 1918, as well as in today's Slovenian and Czech territories. Banknotes are displayed chronologically, in some cases, in addition to the existing ones, there are also...