Tradicionalni dogodek združen z rekreacijo ima za ta del države izreden pomen, saj po eni strani zvabi k rekreaciji tako rekoč vse generacije po drugi pa opomni na zgodovinski dogodek mesta Ljubljana. Kot smo že vajeni, se bo pohod začel že v četrtek s pohodom za ...
The meeting of the owners of vintage vehicles is interesting in itself for all of us who are attracted by the design and technical innovations of the past. The event, where vintage vehicles also compete with each other, where the main trump card is not only speed, it is even more...
Since wood does not only have an aesthetic value, in addition to that we find at least a wide range of usefulness and friendliness towards the user and nature, the event whose main purpose is to present may already...
A magical adventure for all our senses, designed by Michael Flatley, continues to break sales records around the world. ...
Almost every woman definitely thinks that men are sexy in the kitchen. That's why at the April City cooking academy, together with experienced chefs from the Kaval Group, in the Elementare salon, with top-quality Gorenje kitchen appliances, we prepared...
In Playa, the companies Kais Corpo and Barbarella presented us with a healthy lifestyle and shared their knowledge and experience with those who want to do as much as possible for themselves. Kais Corpo's professional team introduced us to various exercises and proper stretching techniques, with which we...
In Playa, we got to know the rich culinary flavors from the land of many faces, the proportions of opposites and the most diverse cultures, Mexico. Because of its diversity, Mexican cuisine is placed alongside French and Chinese. Culinary secrets were presented to us with attractive catering by Mexican...
The ballet moves to Kino Šiška. And why not, since it is, after all, Urban Ballet, or a series of SNG Opera and Ballet performances aimed at young choreographers. To young people, especially for the fresh spirit and fresh way of thinking that they bring to...
The world-famous musical The Full Monty is based on the 1997 film of the same name, which captivated audiences of all ages and earned four Oscar nominations. The story of the British film was a huge success on Broadway in 2000, with more than 770...
V Lokavcu pri Ajdovščini se bo ljubljanski ansambel SNG Opera in balet predstavil z dvema komičnima opernima enodejankama, ki sta ju ustvarila dva izmed največjih skladateljev: Mozartov Gledališki direktor in Rossinijeva Ženitna ponudba. ...
In the drama A Beautiful Day to Die, two people face each other: mother and daughter. The former still lives as in her rebellious teenage years, even thinks exactly the same as she did back then. For her, time stopped exactly twenty-five years ago. More...
As part of the Doma exhibition, which is on view until May 16, a project will take place in the cafe of the modern gallery, where Slovenian architects and designers will take care of the tablecloths. During the week until May 3rd, we will be able to enjoy a coffee in the atmosphere arranged by the Prostorož team. In ...