
Birthday of Restaurant Borbona

 Those who have been coming to us for 365 days, those who will be coming to us for the next 365, you, dear business partners...

Important information
Restaurant Borbona, *, Ljubljana, restaurant Borbona, Verovškova 55
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

 Those of you who have been coming to us for 365 days,

those of you who will be coming to us for the next 365,

you, dear business partners and

lovers of the abstraction of the flavors of the restaurant Borbona!

You are invited to the 1st birthday of the restaurant Borbona,

which will be on Friday, May 21, 2010, at 4 p.m

in the Borbona restaurant

at Verovškova 55 in Ljubljana.

With music and a massage on the beach

we will spoil you with

spring dishes from the pan.

To abstract flavors

and the cocktails will take care,

wines and selected wellness drinks.






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