Kinodvor je spet odprl svoja vrata. Po polemikah, ki so spremljale to slovensko ustanovo drugačnega filma, bomo lahko primanjkljaj kakovostne kinematografije intenzivno nadomeščali na Kolodvorski ulici. Naporni filmi so naporni tudi za želodec in usta, ampak takoj čez cesto je pivnica ...
On the Castle Square in Žužemberk, just 50 meters from the Žužemberk Castle, we will find a cozy inn, where we prepare hot breakfasts, lunches and a wide selection of pizzas from the bread oven every day. We can also choose from à la carte dishes based on local cuisine. Every day will make us smell...
The Hotel Evropa in Celje boasts, after renovation, probably the best restaurant in Celje. Their period-decorated interior indicates just such an approach to food, which is ensured by the multi-awarded Marko Pavčnik, who leads his team of cooking virtuosos. Top waiters and an educated sommelier provide a unique...
Slavko Adamlje is a true legend of Slovenian cuisine. Countless awards at various cooking competitions, meetings and, last but not least, the Cooking Olympiad are excellent credentials for his restaurant Hana in Vič. Gostilna Hana is actually the practical embodiment of his book Kuhinja Slovenije, which has been published for years...
Spodnja Idrija skriva enega najlepših slovenskih hotelov, ki spada v prestižno hotelsko verigo Relais & Chateaux. Njene člane združuje in obvezuje predanost osnovni ideji, ki je vsebovana v petih "C": Courtoise, Charme, Charactere, Calme & Cuisine, ali, kot bi po naše rekli, v vljudnosti, šarmu, ...
Another one of the secrets that Ljubljana hides from passers-by. Gostilna As is discreetly hidden in one of the busiest passages in Ljubljana, especially in the evenings, when night parties take place nearby. However, in this flood of popular bars, there is a culinary puzzle in the form of Gostilna As. Knafl Pass, ...
Prav na koncu goriških brd, malce pred mejo, najdemo slikovito vas medana. vsem je znana po poeziji in vinu, skriva pa tudi kulinarične posebnosti. a vendarle se na hitro kosilce ali večerjo le ne bomo vozili čez pol slovenije, zato nam košček medane pričarajo kar v ljubljanski gostilni medana. za briško kuhinjo ...
With the flood of modern, urban, Karst and Styrian inns, we like to forget about the inns from the southeast, especially since the road rarely takes us to those places. But the next time we drive on the road to Zagreb, it's worth turning a little off the road towards Trebnje and further towards Mirna Peča and Ponikva, where we find...
Various projects are held in the multimedia center on the subject of information, education, e-culture and e-social: - initial and advanced computer use courses, - use of user programs for project management MS Project and Mindjet, - useful multimedia workshops (digital photography, design, capture and...
The coast is romantic in itself, especially during beautiful sunsets, even more beautiful sunrises and beautiful sunny days. But cuisine can also be romantic. Especially if it is offered to us in the beautiful surroundings of the lush Mediterranean park in Ankaran. There, on the hill above the road that leads...
Just a five-minute drive from Maribor in the direction of Ruše, on the banks of the Drava River, there is a former boathouse. Today, there is a pleasant restaurant with a wonderful view of the Bresterniška Bay, which represents a kind of connecting point. It connects land and water, continentality and Mediterraneanness, and all these dual influences are manifested in...
More and more tourists are choosing to spend their holidays more actively, so they are embarking on nautical tourism with yachts and sailboats. A well-equipped marina is the basis for a comfortable leisure time, and since we don't have time to cook a good meal every day on our barge, in addition to all the comforts, Marina Portorož also offers us...