The AntiValentine's Party is a two-day concert event that will please all the alternative people who need their own event in the name of love. After three years of entertaining the Zagreb audience, the AntiValentino concert will take place in our region for the fourth year. LET 3, TBF and Vojko V will perform in Cvetličarna on the first evening. On Thursday, the audience will be entertained by Edo Maajka, Klemen Klemen and the group Elemental, which operates under the slogan "Everything, only romance".
"What books should I read to feel like I'm well-read?" read a question on Quora, a portal where people share their knowledge and where questions are answered by those who have the most unique insights on a given topic. The response of Christina Hartmann, a writer who has given up the legal profession, was: "Those of you who want to achieve the glorified title of 'well-read': it's about breadth rather than depth." So which 30 books will give you that necessary breadth?
Welcome to the Internet, where you will see the strangest things that even those of you with a crazy rich imagination could not have imagined. After a photo of a woman walking around in "pigeon heels" and a stuffed toy that Keanu Reeves took with him on a trip to China, we thought that the Internet had become a place where there is no room for absurdity, but apparently not, because the "moon selfie" craze that's hitting the internet right now.
After the end of the world was announced for the end of 2018, the new apocalypse awaits us in 5 days, i.e. on January 21, 2019.
Slovenia and its beauties are increasingly appearing on the lists of world destinations that travelers simply must visit at least once in their lifetime. At the end of last year, our country was visited by a photographer from Sweden, who captured these breathtaking scenes during his visit. Let someone else say that this is not the most beautiful country in the world!
Evolution didn't prepare us to use the snooze button on our phones every morning, but scientists are finding that snoozing the alarm isn't such a bad habit, as it may even make you more intelligent.
Lake Blatno is considered the largest in Central Europe. In the summer time it is impossible to see either the beginning or the end, and the bluish blue color is so strong that it looks as if the sky has come down to earth. In winter, however, things are a little different. A true winter wonderland has been created due to sub-freezing temperatures and winds.
In March, those of you planning, building or renovating will be able to visit the 58th Dom Fair 2019 - 500 companies from more than 30 countries will be presented at it. At this year's fair, the topics of sustainable construction, comprehensive energy renovation of buildings and the zero-energy standard, which came into force on January 1st, are at the center. Companies will thus present trends in various fields, and you will be able to take part in free advice from experts on all days of the fair.
In 2019, we expect a lot of great films, series and documentaries. But what are the new movie trailers of 2019 that you must watch?
A 1998 study found that previous work experience is actually one of the weakest predictors of job success. So why is it still the main tool we rely on when recruiting? What innovative companies like Tesla, Accenture, LinkedIn, and others use in recruiting are aggressively innovative practices, and the resume has no role in that.
Many people associate London with rain and monotony, but photographer Bella Foxwell proved the opposite. London is a colorful city where you will find the most beautiful front doors possible.
Some people are really special - they pay attention to the most bizarre things that most people don't pay attention to. Who even thinks about what a movie poster is like or remembers to look for flaws in it? Well, thanks to that small percentage of people who do, we've got a collection of posters that are truly illogical.