German physicist Albert Einstein has been inspiring the world with his genius for decades. And not only with his work in the field of physics, but also with his advice on life. His reflections on life and philosophy contain great wisdom. And here are 4 great life tips from a great genius.
Coprnica, the dragon, Butalci, great-grandmother Uršula and many masked pirates, playful princesses, brave firemen, ladybugs, bees and other carnival lovers will scare the winter for ten days and enjoy the carnival company. They will start with the traditional Žaganj baba, they will also enjoy exhibitions, the official Butal TV program, children's masquerade, carnival party and the Great Carnival. The traditional event will end with the Burial of Pusta.
Our future is very uncertain, because the forms of employment are changing so drastically that it makes sense to think about saving. People who know how to save perfectly can boast of habits that will help you. Start stuffing bills into your stocking today.
As a rule, couples break up due to serious marital problems such as cheating, violence, dead feelings... but apparently we live in a crazy time where even a partner's Facebook status makes us so angry that we never want to see him again.
Have you ever wondered if you were given the most popular Slovenian name from the period when you were born? Now is your chance to find out. Here are the most popular Slovenian names by time periods.
An exam period or a situation where we have to learn something new is a time when most people question their intelligence. At that time, many people wonder why they easily remember the new song of their favorite artist, the names of all the Hollywood stars and movies they watched, and stories from the yellow press, but their brain does not want to accept the information that they really need at that moment. Scientists say don't stick to these 5 tricks for faster and more successful learning. If you follow them, success is guaranteed.
Love is written in the stars! Do you think Scorpios are jealous? Read to the end, maybe what your partner is doing will be clearer to you.
We know the midlife crisis as a special psychological experience of people who, in a new period of life, are faced with problems that they have not known before. It may very well happen that it will also reach you soon.
Ever since the first Ljubljana Sparkling Wine Salon, the organizers have followed their mission - spreading the culture of drinking wine and good food. In the heart of the capital, this year you will once again enjoy the wines of 40 winemakers, who will present around 120 different wines. In addition to enjoying a drop of wine, you will also be able to taste selected food that pairs perfectly with sparkling wines. Various events, workshops and guided tastings are also an integral part of the 6th Ljubljana Sparkling Wine Salon. As part of the SSW network, an international evaluation of sparkling wines will also take place.
You is a new series on Netflix, which should have been released in September of last year, but in the end, the series started airing on the popular TV viewing service in the second half of December. If you have already managed to watch it, then you have already changed your Instagram account to private, closed the curtains and vowed not to date again. The series is quite scary.
Despite his success, legendary animator and entrepreneur Walt Disney faced a lot of criticism. As is human nature, we tend to react violently to other people's negative comments and get hurt. If you've been telling yourself for a while that you're going to learn to accept criticism, Disney can help.
As women, we think that the way we cook, clean, do everyday things is the only correct way. We live in Zen until we meet a partner who slowly eats away at us because his habits are just different... and sometimes disgusting.