Anyone can become an artist if they have enough imagination and creativity. Worn-out items that you no longer need can be turned into real works of art with a little effort.
You and your significant other definitely have a lot in common, a lot more in fact than you think. You've probably heard the urban myth that couples become more and more alike (including physically) over time, right? Well, according to science, this similarity is for a reason. And one of those is that you and your partner are actually related.
Women are wonderful creatures and we have our genes to thank for that too! Here are 10+ unexpected facts about the female body that we women don't even know.
The 2019 wedding season will begin at the Ljubljana Castle, where more than 60 different wedding service providers from all over Slovenia and abroad will present themselves this year as well.
As part of her project "Au Coin de ma Rue" (On the corner of my street), photographer Barbara Iweins decided to penetrate the privacy of individuals she meets on the street. Are you wondering how she did it?
What our genes can create is sometimes truly unimaginably beautiful. And so are these people, real genetic masterpieces that you definitely don't see every day.
Men, do you know why it hurts so much when you get punched in the testicles? No? We have an explanation for you that will finally explain why this pain is so hellish.
Modesty is a beautiful virtue. Broadmouths are usually not as exceptional as they are made out to be. However, it often happens to humble people that they strongly doubt themselves at times. Here you can read a list of 11 signs that you are much more intelligent than you think.
Those learning a new language say that drinking alcohol in moderation can help them speak the language better. In a way, this also makes sense, because the drink relaxes them and overcomes their nervousness. However, on the other hand, it has also been shown that alcohol damages cognitive and motor functions, negatively affects memory and attention, and leads to excessive self-confidence and self-praise. So do people actually speak a foreign language better when/after drinking alcohol because of knowledge or is it just courage?
At 128 meters tall, the Spring Temple Buddha in China is no longer the tallest statue in the world. This title is now held by India with an almost 200-meter statue that symbolically depicts Sardar Patel, the architect of independent India.
Halloween, or in the original Halloween, is a holiday when we can indulge in many things. To make choosing this year's mask easier, we've scoured the web for some great looks that are perfect for this year's spookiest night of the year. Here are scary Halloween makeup ideas that even Stephen King would be scared of.
The multi-million dollar Christmas list of Neiman Marcus, which also delivers its products to Slovenia, is back and this time it is more extravagant than ever before. It has incredible gifts that only the richest can afford, and here are gifts that will make your head hurt.