The first impression is not necessarily always very accurate and correct, but nevertheless it largely decides whether we will pay more attention to this person and get to know him better or, on the contrary, we will prefer to devote our attention to someone else. While the first impression is far from rational and analytical, we can infer which characteristics of others we evaluate when we meet for the first time. In the article, read what you judge other people by when you meet them (and what they actually judge you by).
You're probably familiar with 'days of the year', which records the dates of all the various absurd things that are supposed to be celebrated. World Tequila Day is one of them - on this occasion, designers have prepared special shoes that will come in handy on your next 'drunken hike'.
People travel the world to see natural waterfalls, but the Chinese create artificial, man-made, 'falling water' on 100-meter skyscrapers. Someone obviously had a crazy idea.
Fairytale, dreamy and pastel photos are a hit on Instagram, so quickly equip yourself with knowledge about filters that will also beautify your 'feed'.
Even though we're almost halfway through the current year, horror filmmakers have produced some great movies in the past few months that you can watch today.
When it comes to adult movies, many people have gender-specific preconceived notions about it - when we think of the actors in these movies, we often think of women, but when we think of adult movie users, men come to mind first. . Although it is true that men on average watch more adult films than women, the latter also report using them quite often. Have you ever wondered how women feel about adult movies?
It's hard for us mere mortals to imagine what life is like on a space station. That is why some details about the everyday life of astronauts surprise us all the more.
With visual effects, we can create the craziest scenes that look like they are real. The 'death' on the Golden Gate Bridge is too creepy to believe it's a photomontage.
Books are not only for reading, but we can also use them to show our creativity. James Trevino has 1,100 books in his collection, but on social networks, where he is followed by 130,000 people, he became famous not because he is a bookworm, but because his imagination is inconceivable.
Nothing can compare to the pleasure of biting into a juicy, fresh and filling fruit on a hot summer day. Each fruit has its own characteristics and characteristics. Which fruit suits you best according to your astrological sign? See what is written in the stars in the article.
Wood - a material that has been used by mankind for countless years, has been given a new look with this magical cosmic jewelry.
Eroticism, rebellion and sensuality, this is Gustav Klimt, the artist who became famous with the most famous painting of the last century, The Kiss. These tattoos reveal his other works of art, which take eroticism to a new level.