Even if social networks are considered evil, they are also a blessing - you can tell if a person is busy on them.
Beauty standards are not a new phenomenon. For centuries, countries around the world have had definitions of what beauty is and how to achieve it in order to conform to societal expectations. There was often no room for those whose appearance did not conform to these rules. Even today, the situation is similar, but despite this, trends are moving in the direction of liberalization, which allows freedom of self-expression. This model with a rare facial disease shows that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Italy is one of the countries that we often dream about: its natural beauty, places with an incredible history... Therefore, it is no wonder that the film industry has also recognized this country as ideal for shooting various films. And these are films that will make you want to visit Italy as soon as possible.
One of the most common questions photographers get is can I look slimmer in photos. Here's the trick.
The windows of prestigious stores, full of luxury handbags, mislead many women to spend their last cent on a new, sinfully expensive 'friend in the arm'. If at the moment this 'friendship' is not accessible to your pocket, you can observe luxury not only in the shop window, but also on large concrete ruins.
Cities, nature and people - all this sometimes cannot be seen with your own eyes and expressed in words, so it is enough to look at these photos and you will understand how truly amazing our world is. These are the best photos from the National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year 2018 competition.
For the fourth year in a row, Time magazine has chosen the 25 most influential people on the Internet in the world. Their global influence on social media and their overall ability to be the first to break the news and set trends were taken into account to make the list. And this is this year's unique list.
Would you trust a stranger to create a tattoo of your choice on your body?
Movies often transport us to distant worlds filled with fantastical characters and scenarios that allow us to escape from the hustle and bustle of real life. It also often happens that we temporarily forget that there are real people on the screen doing interesting things behind the scenes that we cannot see in the film.
Some people do not know how to say sorry, while we also know those who apologize even when it is not necessary. Have you ever wondered how to apologize 'properly'?
People do not realize the consequences that humanity has on the planet until the moment when nature strikes back. Fortunately, life on Earth is still safe for many people, but a reminder of how life can turn into hell overnight is a large plastic whale that vividly depicts the horrific consequences of human actions.
It sounds absurd, but even a roll of toilet paper has rules. Make sure you follow them.