
We've been making the wrong excuses all our lives

How do we properly apologize?

Some people do not know how to say sorry, while we also know those who apologize even when it is not necessary. Have you ever wondered how to apologize 'properly'?

It may sound strange, but when we want to apologize for the thing we did there is a right way and a wrong way, how we do it. He is the first most satisfying and potentially 'healing' for the culprit and the victim, while the wrong way has no such effects.

In most cases, when we apologize, we say: “I'm sorry you're upset. It really turns me on when you _____. I really feel _____.“*

That's supposed to be it the wrong way to apologize, as we emphasize your feelings, which we feel at the same time that we did a bad thing to someone and not emotions victims, which is damaged.

How do we properly apologize?
How do we properly apologize?

According to opinion by love blogger Tina Roth Eisenberg has a real and effective excuse three parts:

1. say how your action affected the person,
2. say yes to you sorry,
3. describe, what you will do to remedy the situation, and promise to do it it won't happen again. Don't make excuses.

*Complaints, which caused the initial conflict and self defense and blaming the victim.

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