Recently, a large number of people are choosing to go to the cinema to see the movie Avengers: Infinity War. This year, however, you will be able to see many other films in cinemas that definitely deserve your attention.
Controversies about whether life after death exists are relevant even in the 21st century - the professional opinion on this phenomenon is divided, and cosmologist and physicist Carroll gives the following reasons why life after death is impossible.
The chain of fast food restaurants McDonald's has long fascinated a large number of people around the world. Its most recognizable hamburger, the Big Mac, is particularly popular. And what happened to the man who ate 30 thousand Big Macs in 48 years?
Artists, dancers, admirers interpret in different ways what this fascinating body language, which creates satisfaction in the human soul with every movement, means to each individual. With these photos of professional dancers, this American photographer shows that dance is much more than just art.
Sunny days invite us to the city streets and good ice cream. And you can order this, or rather, make it yourself at the Icelend ice cream parlor on Čopova in Ljubljana, where different flavors of the popular summer dessert, toppings and sprinkles, and colorful cones await you.
Summer is already here, many people are heading to the coast - and here we have collected the best reading that will take you to a new world on a loud beach under a large parasol and with the sounds of the sea.
If you are a fan of timeless hits that you still like to spin and enjoy after many years, see what vicissitudes happened behind the scenes during their recording.
Thanks to the busy lifestyles that people live, many do not take enough time for themselves. If you've been saying every week that you're going to take some time for yourself, now's the perfect time to do it, because here are 10 new series that will make you take a real break every week.
In their desire to increase sales of their products, companies are increasingly turning to relatively new forms of advertising, such as product placement. That is why, when watching many movies, you can see the symbols of many brands.
In the age of globalization and multiculturalism, knowing different languages is a blessing. Many studies have found that the best time to learn languages is in the very early years of life, but new research says it's never too late to become a polyglot.
Believe it or not, the key to the success of successful companies often lies in their names. A suitable and carefully chosen name can quickly make a good impression on consumers.
In the light of modern times, when we must constantly be mentally prepared for new daily tasks and life challenges, we often resort to searching for the key to greater, constantly present creativity. Scientists are discovering that just two colors on a computer screen can contribute to improving it.