The opus entitled Suite Vollard (Vollard suite) is among the most extensive and most frequently mentioned of Picasso's cycles. Complete copies of Vollard's suite are extremely rare today, most of them are kept by the world's most important museums, and many folders were unbound, so that mainly individual sheets appeared on the market later. Until the end of March, the opus will be on display in the Ajdovščina underpass in Ljubljana.
Adrian Thaws, better known as Tricky, returns to Croatia. He will also present his new project Skilled Mechanics and the album of the same name, which will be released on January 22, 2016, in Zagreb's Močvara.
Director James Wam returns with Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist, a horror movie reserved for the bravest. The sequel sees the return of ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren, once again portrayed by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga.
Here are the results of the WIN/Gallup International Association's annual survey of which citizens in the world are the happiest. So which country was the happiest in 2015 and how did Slovenia fare?
A website that tells you how attractive you are. This is a summary of the website under which Blinq, a dating app, is signed. It invites the user to upload their photo and rate how attractive they are (on a scale from ''hmmm'' to ''divine''), as well as rate their age. How attractive are you?
Do you know how to clean your smartphone to make it really clean? A smartphone is a breeding ground for bacteria and dirt. Don't believe it? It has been proven that a device that is constantly near our mouth, nose, ears and fingers is dirtier than a public toilet. Check out how to clean it without damaging it with water and inappropriate cleaners.
Oxford indie rockers Foals, who released their fourth studio album What Went Down last August, are coming to Vienna at the end of January.
Who does not remember the popular TV series Polna hiša (Full House), which we could watch on television sets between 1987 and 1995. In less than two decades, the series, which was also remembered by many generations of Slovenians, is returning to the small screen and this time it will be even fuller (Fuller House), although without the Olsen twins.
Netflix is now also available in Slovenia. The currently largest provider of on-demand video content has expanded to 130 countries, including Slovenia. The first month of using the Netflix service will be free, and the price for the starter package will be 8 euros. Will Internet pirates be out of business? What about movie theaters? Will they start dating?
It's still winter outside, but we're already thinking about one of the best summer festivals in Europe. Of course, it is the Sziget 2016 festival, which will take place again on the island in the heart of the Hungarian capital between August 10 and 17. This year, on the Island of Freedom, we will be able to witness world music names, including Bastille, Bloc Party, John Newman, M83 and Naughty Boy.
CringeMDb is a website that tells us if the movie we want is suitable for you to watch with your parents. It has happened to all of us that we have seen the film in the family circle, but the decision to choose soon turned out to be awkward, as a tickling scene appeared in the film. To avoid embarrassment, enter the title of the movie on the said page before viewing, and something like this will no longer be able to surprise you! This way you will know exactly which movies you can and can't watch with your parents.
Suda is an elephant painter who can draw better than you! This is evidenced by a video from Thailand, where a barely four-year-old elephant draws his self-portrait. You simply have to see it for yourself!