
No one can find the cat in this photo! Will you do it?

Pedro the cat, the master of hide and seek.

Forget about Panda, Pedro the cat is a true master of hide and seek. All of you who have a cat at home know that they are capable of disappearing whenever they want, and then suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Like ninjas. This is also the case with Pedro the cat, who hid perfectly from his owner in the kitchen. Help him find it!

Can you find the cat in this photo? Pedro is not only master of hide and seek, but also a master of camouflage. All cat owners will identify with the owners of this kitten, who searched in vain for him around the apartment, even though he was hiding from them in front of the nose. Helping them find their kitty?

READ MORE: Can you find the panda among the snowmen? The challenge that drove the web crazy!

Pedro the cat, the master of hide and seek.
Pedro the cat, the master of hide and seek.

To make your job a little easier, you we are attaching a picture of Pedro the cat:

This is Pedro the cat.
This is Pedro the cat.

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