
Trending: Virtual Reality - The Tech Trend of 2016

Virtual reality is nothing new, as various futuristic companies around the world have been working with it for decades. However, its use has so far been limited to the military industry (military drones), medicine and some other high-tech branches. 2016 will be a watershed year for virtual reality, as products are announced that are expected to win over the masses. Maybe you too?!

In the year 2015 are some tech giants like Google and Samsung, presented the harbingers of a new future, affordable products for virtual reality, which used smartphones inserted into some kind of head frames as a technical basis. They conjured with special applications an approximation virtual experiences.

Google Cardboard - a simple virtual reality headset that is made of cardboard and costs only a few dollars.
Google Cardboard - A simple virtual reality headset made from cardboard that costs only a few dollars.

That's right Google with the project Cardboard (virtual glasses made of paper cardboard) proved that everyone can actually experience the virtual future today with a practically minimal financial investment. 2016 is a tipping point in this technology industry, with serious players and pioneers sending a slew of interesting consumer products to market. These will pave the way for the industry even with relatively affordable prices. This means that buyers will be in favor several hundred euros can buy for the first time virtual "headsets" and also played with them the first games made exclusively for the virtual reality experience.

Trend: Seemingly 2016

In the first quarter of 2016, it will be colorful, because the most serious player Oculus Rift sends its first product to the market. How serious the story is is evidenced by the fact that it is Oculus owned by Facebook, which it bought in 2014 Oculus for the good ones 2 billion dollars. And because it is Mark Zuckerberg definitely a visionary and perfectionist, you can Rift declared to be one of the more promising products.

Oculus Rift - according to experts, is the best approximation of what we really want from virtual reality.
Oculus Rift - according to experts, is the best approximation of what we really want from virtual reality.

This is acknowledged by many experts, as the experience with them is actually the best approximation of what we expect from virtual reality. April HTC to the market in cooperation with the game developer Valves is shipping its own version of virtual reality glasses that bear the name Vive. We can also expect it to be on the shelves by the middle of the year Sony Playstation VR. This will bring virtual reality into many a living room, also due to the extraordinary multiplicity of the game console Playstation and the strong community created by the best-selling game console of all time.

Sony Playstation VR - when the biggest gaming console enters the virtual reality world - it's the real deal!
Sony Playstation VR - when the biggest gaming console enters the virtual reality world - it's the real thing!

Old tricks - new technologies

Every technology has to wait for its right moment. And it seems that virtual reality has been waiting an extremely long time. Many people still remember that it was technological back then a giant Nintendo long ago 1995 launched a virtual reality “headset” that promised 3D gaming experience. VirtualBoy was a relatively cheap product that was sold for recalculated 260 euros, but it caused headaches for users, and that's also why it was withdrawn from sale early. It is one of the outstanding ones pioneering attempts, which were so far ahead of their time that the industry simply did not have the right technological answers. There were no high-resolution screens, as well as insufficiently powerful processors. This disaster, however, buried this interesting industry for an entire generation.

Virtual Boy - Nintendo - pioneering steps that outstripped the capabilities of technology.
Virtual Boy - Nintendo - Pioneering steps that outpaced the capabilities of technology.

Steve Jobs & Palmer Luckey - Virtual Reality 2.0

The turning point in virtual reality was the arrival of smartphones that brought today's technological reality high resolution screens, precise motion sensors and overall compactness and performance in a small package, features that make smartphones so "smart". Breakthrough technologies for which he is actually responsible Steve Jobs, when it is years 2007 took the stage and introduced the first iPhone.

Steve Jobs unknowingly started virtual reality 2.0
Steve Jobs unknowingly started virtual reality 2.0

An important step that made virtual reality actually - truly possible. They are definitely proof Google with the project Google Cardboard and Samsung with the project Samsung Gear VR, which use a specially made "headset" for virtual reality, to which an ordinary smartphone is connected. This app takes the user to an approximation of virtual reality.
The development of smartphones is organically connected with the development of virtual reality, which he perceived in 2012 Palmer Luckey, founder of the company Oculus. With one of the most successful campaigns on Kickstarter he managed to collect a good 2.5 million money. For a business idea that seemed like science fiction and for which Palmer Luckey personally had no particular professional technological background. He thought the idea was simply cool, as did a good 9,000 Kickstarter backers. A story that sounds like science fiction, and it is, because only a year and a half later, Palmer managed to sell Oculus to Mark Zuckerberg for a good 2 billion.

Palmer Luckey - literally a lucky guy who restarted an industry with great potential.
Palmer Luckey - Literally a lucky guy who rebooted an industry with great potential.

Without content, there is no future - virtual reality

The key to success virtual reality definitely held in the hands of content producers. Without this, the masses will not get much from virtual reality. The beginnings are certainly promising, because video game producers they massively test the platforms and possibilities of new technology. That's how it will be the year 2016 especially the year when this industry will test for the first time the capabilities of the new dimensions that it can reach with this technology. The rest will follow this wave in the as yet unknown future. You are you represent sit in the front row to watch your favorite team's basketball game or listen to a university lecture, a concert in the front row? All from the safe haven of your living room!

Virtual reality it will enable a new world, it will open a new dimension of experience, it will take us where we cannot physically go. Although it all sounds like today Science Fiction, let's not forget that the Internet and mobile telephony, the most common technologies of our everyday life, also belonged to this category. This year, there is no need to throw the good old TV in the trash, but the pre-Christmas and New Year's shopping season will be the one in which many of us will already be looking for a "toy" in the virtual reality category, thus enabling a leap in thinking and opening the door to the future.

Devices to look out for: VR headsets

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