How a woman rejects a man who asks her out and how a man rejects a woman if he is not interested in her is an interesting social experiment conducted by Whatever, a YouTube channel known for similar projects. The video shows how women react to the flirting of a complete stranger and how men reject a complete stranger. Who do you think is more cruel in their rejection and why is this realization so important? Because rejection is hard to bear.
Photoshop may be the most common way to change a photo's story, but photo cropping, that "low-tech" version of photo manipulation, can be just as effective. This technique works because our brain is constantly trying to understand what is happening around us. And when we see only part of the picture, we instinctively try to imagine what is around the frame. Do you think we are showing you dirty photos? Blame your brain, not us!
On October 21, Lado Bizovičar will tackle a topic he knows even less about than music at the Cultural Center in Mengš. In the Špas theater, we'll be laughing again - this time at the new comedy Slovenian literature from A to Z.
Grandmothers are really special people. Full of life adventures and impressions from past times, they follow the innovations of modern times with interest and enthusiasm (well, maybe we are exaggerating a little here!). Among them, every quarter, there is also a particularly creative soul who decides to surpass the young people in their field - in street art!
Nature repeats itself in an extremely fascinating way on the micro- and macro-level. He recreates vast landscapes, such as coasts and hills, on a much smaller scale, for example with these beautiful agates, reminiscent of landscape photographs. Unbelievable!
Cats rule the web, there's no doubt about it. But when was the last time you looked at a specific cat photo gallery? It's been quite a while since then, hasn't it? Not that we want to add fuel to the fire of this online obsession, but we have prepared for you a very special collection of these domestic animals that are up to no good. We present to you 13 cats that you do not want in your home, because we have a feeling that they would kill you while you sleep. Well, sweet dreams!
The British synthpop duo, after their outstanding debut in 2010 with the album Happiness and the somewhat less successful album Exile, returns with the album Surrender, which will be released on October 9 this year. The boys are also coming back with a tour, during which they will also perform in Vienna.
Sometimes there comes a day when there is not much work or it is simply raining outside and it is nicer to stay warm in the house and surf the web. Probably, each of us has at one time or another searched for interesting sites on the Internet or simply discovered new ideas.
Is your mom the best mom in the world too? Is she also always there when you need her? Is she also your role model, a rock you can lean on? Is she the one you have to thank for making you who you are today? Here are 17 signs that your mom really is the best mom in the world.
Most artists go to an art supply store for painting supplies. Joanna Wirażka too, but she only buys art supplies and paints there, while she looks for her painting canvases in the forest or park. The Polish artist paints on leaves. But not on sheets of paper, but plant leaves, which now, in autumn, will be like leaves and grass. By turning them into extraordinary paintings, Wirażka makes sure that all this gift of nature does not go to waste.
It doesn't matter if you and your partner have been together for just three months or a decade - breaking up always hurts. When we fall in love and let a new person into our lives, with whom we share all areas of our lives, our body is flooded with hormones of happiness, while the breakup of a relationship and the departure of a partner can feel like complete destruction. Even if we are not the initiator of the end of a love relationship, we can feel great sadness when our partner leaves. Here are 6 tips to get over a breakup as quickly as possible…
After Eros Ramazzotti and Big Foot Mama, the Stožice arena will certainly be filled by the extremely popular Serbian vocalist Željko Joksimović, who is returning to Ljubljana after a two-year hiatus. On this occasion, he will be joined on stage by musicians from Ljubljana and Belgrade, and it should be a real musical excess, as the concert will be managed by a 45-member team. Find out what they will prepare on October 17, 2015.