
Technology Detox: A 7-Day Smartphone Weaning Plan

Addiction to smartphones

Smartphones have radically changed our lives. In the first breath, we will say that for the better, because in many cases they have made our lives easier, but after a little longer consideration, the pluses will quickly be lost in the minuses. We have ourselves to blame for this. We started exaggerating, and as we know, no exaggeration is good. Many studies thus confirm the many negative consequences of smartphones on our mental and physical health, so it is high time to cure this addiction. Which can be difficult. That's why we've prepared a technology cure, a detox with a doable weekly plan to wean yourself off your smartphone to successfully cut the umbilical cord.

We have become human addicted to smartphones. This is a cruel fact, and we find evidence of it at every turn. Many people can no longer imagine a day without apps, social ties without social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, sitting on a shell or waiting at a bus stop without scrolling on the screen. And like any addiction, it also has its price. Experts warn that smartphones are "bad company" for our brain, memory, intelligence and even spirituality!

Do you recognize yourself in this picture?
Do you recognize yourself in this picture?

And when you can't stand even a quarter of an hour without looking at your phone screen, or keep it under your pillow overnight, it's the last time to seek help and change your lifestyle that will not include from two to four hours of phone use per day, which is only (!) average usage. If you think that withdrawal centers are too much of an extreme measure and this type of app is not enough, we suggest you try balanced, practical and feasible to the 7-day smartphone weaning plan, which we will present below.

READ MORE: Experiment: what is it like to live without a smartphone for a week?

The 7-Day Smartphone Weaning Plan


Delete all "friends" (those in name only) from your Facebook friends list, unsubscribe from spam emails, and delete any apps you don't use.


Turn off push notifications ("push notifications"), which are messages that are delivered automatically to your smartphone.


Resist the temptation to check your smartphone for notifications first thing in the morning.

Everyone engrossed in their screen. Such scenes have become part of everyday life.
Everyone engrossed in their screen. Such scenes have become part of everyday life.


Do not charge your phone overnight in the bedroom, but somewhere else, and use it for the last time no more than an hour before going to bed.


Go to dinner, to the cinema or to "life", but leave your phone at home in the meantime.


A day without social media. Spend a Saturday without following or posting on social media.


Keep your smartphone off all day.

Doesn't sound that hard, does it? We believe you will succeed!

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