It's been a while since the last real romantic comedy, and Some Kind of Beautiful seems to be aiming straight for the heart of the genre. It stars ex-secret agent 007 and the ever-charming Pierce Brosnan, joined by the ever-young Salma Hayek and the ever-cute Jessica Alba, movie sisters who both end up under the sheets with a poetry professor.
Last year we reported that Marko Korošec became the winner of the National Geographic Traveler magazine photography contest. Unfortunately, there are no Slovenians among this year's winners of the Traveler Photo Contest 2015, so there is no shortage of stunning photos. The stormy supercell ("Independence Day") of the Slovenian storm chaser was succeeded by the underwater photograph "Whale Whisperers" by Anuar Patjana Floriuk.
Most of us will never know what it's like to be outrageously rich. Some have a bit more, others are struggling to survive, but there are few who are sitting on a pile of money. But some people, despite not being very financially savvy, give the impression that they are really rich. How do they manage to sell themselves like that? How do they convince people they are rich over and over again?
For the first time in the history of Slovenia, we will be able to see and hear the performance of the world-famous Russian orchestra, The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Ballet. The Red Army Choir draws its repertoire from Russian folk songs, Russian patriotic songs and classical music (Bizet, Wagner, Mozart, Michel Legrand, Francis Lai, etc.), as well as pop and rock hits. On September 25, we will be able to witness a music and dance spectacle in Stožice in Ljubljana.
For many women, becoming a mother is the final and ultimate goal - the last hurrah, the step towards which they have been marching all their lives. The idea of having children is ingrained in us since childhood, and the importance of reproduction is also rooted in religion. In the Christian creed, Adam and Eve were given to Earth for reproduction, for the creation of the human race. Of course, all of this is additionally influenced by pop culture - films such as Najeta mama (Baby Mama, 2008) or What to Expect When You're Expecting? (What To Expect When You're Expecting, 2012) perpetuates the idea that the children we have alone will somehow fulfill our entire lives. Maybe it's true, maybe children really do make our lives worthwhile. They also make it more stressful - from social, financial and environmental aspects. Even science says that reproduction is a bad idea. In the article, we can read what are the main reasons why science believes that children should not be had.
You probably know that your smartphone is capable of many things, but if you learn how to turn it into a 3D hologram the plebeian way, you'll kick all your friends' ass. To make it, you only need a CD case (for those of you who don't know what a CD is, ask Uncle Google), an alpha knife, some adhesive tape, a pen, a ruler and graph paper. You can find the instructions in a YouTube video by MrWhoseTheBoss.
The goofy Deadpool got his own movie, after all. And if the actor Ryan Reynolds did not do well in the role of the Green Lantern, the role of the Marvel anti-hero seems to him more than colorful. It also met with more approval among fans who are excited about the costume, as it is exactly like the one in the comics. Check it out in the super gory first trailer.
Would you like to become a millionaire? Who would not! And although this sounds almost utopian, the wish is not unachievable. The fact is that we are all born as boys or girls, not as Bill Gates, Oprah and the like. Of course, some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but unfortunately, not all of us are so lucky. Therefore, we can join them in the club of the wealthy. Admittedly, only in old age, but still. Check how much money you need to put aside every day to be a millionaire by the age of 65.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Pitt have serious problems in their marriage. Officially only on screen for now in the upcoming film By the Sea. Angelina Jolie Pitt has a motto: "If you want to do things right in Hollywood, do them yourself." Five years ago, when she was writing the script for her film In the Land of Blood and Honey (In the Land of Blood and Honey). , a love story amid the whirlwind of war in Bosnia, she toyed with the idea of handing the project over to another director. In the end, he decided that this would not be the case, as the story could be "lost in translation". This is her third film where she sat in the director's chair.
Don't want your brush to drip? Would you like to wash your wine glasses in the dishwasher, but are afraid that they will break? Are you annoyed that your crew-neck T-shirt keeps falling off the hanger? The screw no longer grips? There is only one solution for all the mentioned problems - an elastic band! Check out these and six other useful eraser tricks that will make your life easier in this video from trick guru Crazy Russian Hacker.
The Aljaž Tower, a symbol of Slovenia, today on the top of Triglav, at 2,864 meters above sea level, has been offering shelter and a photographic motif to mountaineers for 120 years. Defender of Slovenia was founded by Jakob Aljaž and three assistants on August 7, 1895, after he bought 16 square meters of land on the roof of Slovenia for a goldsmith. Have you ever taken a picture with him?
Let's face it, happiness and work rarely go hand in hand. The results of a 2013 Gallup survey of more than 180 million people even say that only 13 percent of employees are satisfied with their jobs. They also proved to be more motivated, energetic and productive than their unhappy colleagues. The good news of the research is that genetics only affects a measly 5 percent of our job satisfaction, which means that the rest is up to us...