This year's July, like August in 2012, boasts as many as two full moons. On Friday, July 31, 2015, we will be admiring the second full moon of the month, which is a rare celestial phenomenon called a blue moon. On this day, there will be more energy around us, so we will feel stronger but at the same time more sensitive and emotional, and it will bring out the deepest emotions from us.
How would you change the world if you could? A question that is inextricably linked to the Miss World pageant and the answer about peace and the end of ease in the world. But as you will see below, people of different ages offer different answers, like beauties on stage. The fact is that one person cannot change the world. But it can be the spark that starts a fire.
When we look through the film archive of Slovenian cinema, we can count genre films on the fingers of one hand. But with the first real Slovenian full-length horror film Idila, after a long time something other than drama is coming to the cinema screens. Idila is the debut of director and screenwriter Tomaž Gorkič, which recently premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and premiered at the 11th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival.
A tree that grows as many as 40 types of fruit is not some magical tree from a fairy tale or fantasy movie. The 40s fruit tree grows in the United States, and its creator is artist and professor at Syracuse University Sam Van Aken. These trees are grafted with as many as 40 different types of stone fruit, so that you can harvest apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, almonds and other fruits in the crown of a single tree. A kind of Noah's ark for fruit, you could say.
Barbie is present almost everywhere. On bags, scarves, school supplies, t-shirts, etc., her next "victim" is famous pictures. They were placed there by Catherine Théry, who chose Barbie as her muse and placed her on the artistic map with reproductions of celebrated works of art such as The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, The Picture of the Murdered Marat by Jacques-Louis David and The Scream by Edvard Munch.
BuzzFeed presented two couples with an interesting challenge. Two boys entrusted their girls with hairdressing scissors. Because once you're in a serious relationship with someone, you know you can trust them. So why not trust him to cut your hair too? That's exactly what Steven and Tyler did, letting their Jennifer and Safiya take care of their new look without any hairdressing knowledge. And the result? Far from disaster. Check.v
A special honor will befall Slovenia - Morrissey, one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures of indie rock, is coming to Ljubljana on October 10.
Summer is vacation time and it often happens that we are left alone in the city, while our friends happily soak their feet in the salt water or cool off in the mountain air. But that doesn't mean we have to be bored. The city of Ljubljana offers quite a few summer joys that can be enjoyed both in company and alone. So what to do in Ljubljana when everyone is on vacation?
Local Fabrika is the latest addition to the renovated Bevkov square in Nova Gorica. The industrial style with large incandescent light bulbs, in addition to the largest selection of cocktails and a wine shop, brings back memories of the times when Goriš giants such as the company MiP, which in the best times cut bread for a large part of Goričans, flourished. Its interior can be read as a folk record of not so long ago history, which had a strong impact on the local population.
#ThePowerOfMakeUp is a new viral campaign where women and men post half-makeup faces on social media. In doing so, they not only show off their makeup skills, but also prove that makeup is a powerful tool of transformation that only makes them more confident in who they are.
Enthusiastic responses to last year's Pocestnica inspired the art collective Ljud to once again offer the white-washed Ljubljana: Pocestnica - a "ready-made" open-air gallery that, in the playful spirit of Marcel Duchamp, uses the power of imagination to transform everyday elements of the city of Ljubljana into superb works of art.
Many people boast that they could recognize their partner just by their smell or by their characteristic body features. The Complex team decided to check if this theory holds true in practice. Therefore, she gathered a group of couples in a pile, who had to recognize each other blindfolded. Once only by the breath, the second time only by facial features, the third time by the hands and the fourth time (obviously) by the buttocks. How do you think they would fare? Would you recognize your partner blindfolded?