The Black Hole is a water slide in the German town of Bremerhaven richly equipped with lighting effects that will make you feel like you're in a science fiction movie or like you're flying through space when you go down this water track. An attraction that has no equal in the world of water parks.
The gap between the teeth, an asymmetrical face and unusual gestures are often key components of the special charm that accompanies unconventional beauties. Let's see which women have impressed with their "ugly beauty" over the years...
One of the first things that comes to mind when we think of multi-ethnic and hilly San Francisco, along with the Golden Gate Bridge, streetcars and Chinatown, are steep streets. And the very steep streets were used by Karen X. Cheng and Ross Ching to perform gravity illusions, as they flattened the roads with the camera.
The Internet is richer for a new bizarre trend - the Belly Button Challenge or a challenge with a navel that reveals whether you need to go on a diet. All you have to do is wrap your arms around your back and try to touch your navel. If you can't do it, it's time to cut calories or start exercising, but if you can touch the navel "around the ass in the varzhet", then your body is perfect. But like many things on the Internet, this method is also controversial, because many slim bodies have not succeeded, on the other hand, some or some with stronger physiques were up to the challenge.
Many dog owners are skeptical about whether it is acceptable for their dogs to sleep with them in bed. There are many pluses and minuses, but more on that another time. This time we will look at photos of dogs that took refuge in their owner's bed when it was empty. And who would blame them. Just look at their satisfied faces. The masters go to the sofa.
For the 9th consecutive year, iPhone has announced the winners of the iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAwards) 2015, which is aimed at amateur and professional photographers. At the same time, the competition is a eulogy for Apple's smart devices, as the videos submitted to the address of this technological giant as part of the competition are truly exceptional. We have selected the best photos from individual categories that will leave you speechless.
What would you do if you knew that every time your friend looks at you, he imagines you covered in food. This is exactly what goes through the mind of Brazilian photographer Junior Luz, who packaged his bizarre vision in the Cara-Comida project - which could be translated from Portuguese as "face food" - and actually camouflaged the faces of his friends with their favorite food.
Kinodvor and KUD E-nota are once again organizing Film ob jezer in Bled this year. This time, the event, which is perfect for all movie lovers who like to watch movie treats under a pleasant sky, will last from August 20 to 22, 2015 and will be positioned in front of the Bled Festival Hall.
Ljubljana Castle once had a money mint, but that's why we have to go deep back in history to the 13th century, when Spainheim Castle stood on the castle hill. Today, medieval mints are a tourist attraction, and Ljubljana is also returning to this map with its locations at Ljubljana Castle and Prešeren Square. This was ensured by Lučka Rihar, who set up a mobile medieval mint with a press for making coins in front of the castle entrance or the Franciscan church.
Ljubljana's good old Makalonca is back. But this time in a modern urban guise. The new owners respected Plečnik's architectural heritage and therefore avoided aggressive interventions when renovating the bar, which many people have nostalgic memories of. The space is therefore in itself still a presentation of his work, while at the same time offering enough comfort to quickly become our favorite corner of the city again.
Despite her 56 years, Madonna is not easy to match her younger star colleagues. In fact, what they can do, she can do even better. This is how her fresh music video for the song Bitch I'm Madonna, which she recorded with Nicki Minaj and filled with stars such as Beyoncé, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Chris Rock, Rita Ora and, look out for it, Kanye West, is to be interpreted that way. Is this a response to Taylor Swift's star-studded video for Bad Blood? Copy or not, we know who remains the queen of pop.
Have you ever thought how many pages Wikipedia would have if it were a book? It would certainly be a bottomless book in print, and only a fool would have the time and will to print every page for 11.5 million entries contributed by 7.5 million authors. And since there's a volunteer for every crazy idea in the world, he's up for it too. His name is Michael Mandiberg, a concept artist who has spent the last three years pouring the entire English version of Wikipedia onto paper.