It will be winter and cultural. But we will chase away the winter with the currents, so it will only be colder. Wondering where to go for the weekend? The answer is in the palm of your hand...
The 2ndSkin design competition has come to an exciting end! The expert jury selected the third and second place and the winner of the design competition from the ten finalists. The winner of the 2ndSkin design competition was Domen Kalin.
Themed weddings have a more sinister connotation these days. And that's exactly why we felt so excited when we saw this themed wedding. Jennifer and Joshua prepared an incredibly elegant Star Wars themed wedding.
Zmajev Karneval is Ljubljana's carnival, which includes a large carnival procession through the city streets and an entertainment program on Congress Square. In the procession, among the colorful schemes, we also find typical masks from pagan folk tradition, such as kurents, laufars and morostari.
Last year, Tatia Pilieva asked 20 strangers to kiss for the first time in front of the camera (First Kiss). A good year ago, BarelyPolitical prepared a video where she filmed a parody of all the first things that happened to them in their almost one-year relationship with the couple who were brought together by the First Kiss.
February 5, 2015 is World Nutella Day. At least that's what the most ardent fans of the delicious chocolate-hazelnut spread, which is eaten on this day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, decided.
"The money is lying on the road, you just have to pick it up." "What is trash to one is treasure to another". Two things that will be further expressed in the next article. We're going to show you the many things you can make from a cardboard pizza box, a piece that usually only sticks out of trash cans.
Maribor's nightlife is richer for the Luft bar, which has settled in the very center of Maribor, namely in the last "stuk" - but not "the" Štuk - of the former hotel, but now of the Slavija business center. However, from the opening hours and the slogan "coffee&fun" it can be understood that it is as much a night bar as it is a day bar, reserved for night and morning birds who, in addition to the "clinking" of glasses and music, also want a unique view .
On February 8, Prešeren's Day, which is considered the central Slovenian cultural holiday, Slovenia will once again be driven away from culture. We will once again honor the memory of our greatest poet, France Prešerno, with many cultural events, at the head of which will be a national celebration, where the Prešerno awards and awards from the Prešerno Foundation will be awarded. Read below where to go for Prešeren's Day.
He was born exactly on February 6, exactly 70 years ago. Reggae legend and unstoppable freedom fighter - Bob Marley. RootsInSession Sound will be hosting the 7th year in a row for the traditional evening dedicated to the musician and world-class fighter who, in addition to music, also pushed boundaries in people's hearts.
Breathe is a short film about breathing, or "types" of breath, this mostly imperceptible life force, which in certain cases comes out more, in others less. The film thus captures the thousand and one ways humans capture oxygen and deliver it to our bodies.
At Poljanska 11 in Ljubljana, Luda opened its doors - a snack bar that caters to everyone who wants an unpretentious pinch of sophistication and a drop of organic wine during lunch. On Fridays, it invites you to an intimate dinner, and also hosts private parties.