In the new Vivo center of innovative solutions D125, they offer daily lunches and tasting menus of Ljubljana dishes as part of the Tastes of Ljubljana brand. They also accept reservations for groups and event locations. The restaurant is open every day, including Sundays and holidays, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Judging by which movie trailers were the most watched, we can check which ten movies of 2015 made it into the most highly anticipated movies of this year's movie season. You are invited to watch selected films of 2015.
At the beginning of the new year, you should not miss one of the last concerts of Polona Kasal, who is performing her critically acclaimed solo debut of Tomaž Pengov's adaptations, On the Road, on January 15 at Siti Teatra BTC.
What is the real truth about drinking alcohol? Why do we drink, how does alcohol affect our brain, general well-being, and external appearance? We all know that spending our free time drinking alcoholic beverages is quite common these days, but what happens when we look too deeply into the glass? In the following, watch a short and informative film, which in an entertaining way shows us excessive satisfaction, relaxation - the other side of the coin.
Australian photographer Sarah Bahbah combines nudity and fast food in a delicious way in the artistic photo series #sexandtakeout. Let's see what #foodporn literally looks like.
In the third part of the action hit Kidnapped, the actor Liam Neeson shines again in the main role, who as a former agent tries to protect his daughter and clear his name.
Designer Michelle Vandy has a rather unusual way of creating her works of art - instead of using her hands, she uses her nose and lips to create them on a touchpad.
Paper airplanes usually fly around classrooms, but in mid-January, as part of the Red Bull Paper Wings World Paper Airplane Throwing Championship, they will also fly in selected locations in Ljubljana, Maribor and Portorož. The paper airplane spectacle is returning to our airspace, which will be hosted by 79 other countries scattered across four continents, and their national champions will compete for the world title in Salzburg.
Australian artist Amanda Parer is known for drawing attention with her artwork. This time in London, at the Southbank Centre's Winter Festival, she presented the artwork Intrude, which consists of white inflatable rabbits that light up at night.
Miss Reef 2015 is not Pirelli's calendar 2015, which is only available to the select few, as it can be purchased by any mortal. It is a calendar written for all lovers of women's bodies in capital letters. This year, the Reef brand made a special effort and conjured up an interesting selection of 12 months, which we can't help but be excited about.
People have different hobbies, but few can compare to the bizarreness of the hobby of Canadian media content student Min Gerger, who likes to dress up in the (defective) clothes of world stars such as Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj in his free time. , and imitates their famous photos.
New year, new music, new tunes and new, even more banging ass. So that the beginning is not so difficult, let's spin the musical novelties of the week. Who knows, maybe they will keep us company for the whole year.