If you've stepped into a mall or turned on the TV in the past few days, then you know that we're (over)burdened with an endless stream of Christmas carols and holiday sales. In theory – December is a time of joy, but with so much daily manufactured joy that they try to force us to use in every possible way, we very quickly become cynical about the entire Christmas holiday experience. If you're one of those who needs an "antidote" to all the "jolly and merry" here and there, we've prepared a list of five anti-Christmas classics... for that little Grinch in us.
The hard part is behind us. After hours or even days of searching, we found gifts for our loved ones. But we are not there yet. "What to buy?" replaces "How to wrap a gift quickly and easily"? Does such a thing even exist? This is not the best for many people, and it is also time-consuming. After the least resistance, gifts often end up in gift bags, which unknowingly devalues them. Not when you have a personal solution in the palm of your hand.
The great art is to capture the right moment in photography. Of course, a camera that can fire a burst of shots helps, but being in the right place at the right time is not something that is planned. Yes, the internet is full of stunning photos that have undergone "plastic surgery" at the Photoshop clinic, but this is not the case for the following, which were created by accident, and yet belong to the same adjective. This was given to them by a set of unexpected circumstances.
The Prague Burlesque performance revives an almost forgotten type of stage art that flourished in the first half of the twentieth century. With the help of sensual dance, breathtaking costumes, comedic elements and exotic scenography, it takes the audience to the fantasy world of erotica.
In a world full of quick flings, one-night stands and, unfortunately, infidelity, the easiest thing we can do is to adapt. Women thus tremble during the first months of a relationship and just wait for something to go wrong, be it the result of experience or just caution. It is a welcome relief that there are also those true cavaliers in the world who exude chivalry even in the smallest of actions and remind us not to give up just yet. So what are the nine most common gestures of a gentleman?
2014 was a film-rich year. Therefore, we have created for you a selection of the best films of 2014, according to the editors. These may not have been the most profitable, they may not feature the most famous actors, they may not be directed by the most famous directors. They are films that marked 2014 with their different approach, story or production method. We invite you to discover the best films of 2014.
Victoria's Secret, the brand of beautiful underwear and beautiful girls, whose sex appeal earns dizzying amounts of money, has as much as 6.6 billion US dollars in annual sales. So who are the "sexiest" girls that contribute to such numbers?
Let's spend unforgettable winter moments sipping premium champagne in the urban and uniquely furnished interior of the Vander BuBBles Champagne bar, the latest acquisition of the Vander Urbani Resort boutique hotel, which, hidden in the most beautiful part of old Ljubljana, is waiting to satisfy all our wishes.
Most of us are guilty of checking Facebook too often. This one is like an insatiable thirst, like fresh lovers who miss each other even before they say goodbye. It is true that here you can find lost friends, information, share content, make friends, communicate, but at the same time, the social network turns us into unsociable creatures and bad employees outside the frames of the screen. But you don't have to. Check out how.
Sometimes it's only a disaster that brings people together, the worst of which is also witnessed in the upcoming disaster movie San Andreas, which is not a fictitious name for the city of Los Angeles and its surroundings, as it is in the computer game GTA, because if you haven't sat on your ears with geography, you know that it is a tectonic fault (Saint Andrew) that runs through California. The central theme is therefore an earthquake that leaves the city in ruins, but at the same time raises the estranged relationship between father and daughter from the ruins.
In addition to traditional mulled wine, you can also spice up your happy December with culture. We have collected some suggestions for you, also for December gifts.
Silence sometimes says a lot more than you think. And sometimes we really need it, even in the hustle and bustle of December. In order to take a bit of a step back from it before its climax, we can listen to the silence in the SNG Drama Ljubljana on December 28 between performances and experience the Silence duet concert in a slightly different way.