
The film "The Interview" earned a rating of 10 on IMDb due to threats

IMDb, short for Internet Movie Database, is considered one of the most important online film institutions. It is an irreplaceable source for all film buffs and others looking for a credible but popular opinion. His list of 250 best-rated films has a very special status, which is still commanded by "The Shawshank Redemption", but is threatened to be dethroned by the controversial "The Interview", a film that never made it to the cinemas. and terrorist threats made him famous.

"The Interview" is the Kim Kardashian of movies. Famous for fame's sake, a film with no real talent that was thrust into the spotlight by the internet. Except that in this case it wasn't ticklish footage, it was terrorist footage threats unknown hackers and Kim like a man. Great PR? In fact, it is more and more common for a film to become famous for anything other than a great acting or script, which are increasingly becoming of secondary importance. And no film in recent years has raised so much dust and caused so much controversy like ”The Interview”, which boiled international incident and across the pond happily roasts freedom of expression rights.

James Franco and Randall Park as Kim Jong Un.
James Franco and Randall Park as Kim Jong Un.

It is a parody about a North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, but it would be too obvious and desperate to threats of terrorist attacks to the cinemas that will dare to show the film (the premiere was scheduled for December 25 and according to the latest information, it should even happen somewhere), came directly from his rooms, which are otherwise bathed in Hollywood production films. That's how hackers did it. Sony Film Company, which owns the rights to the film, put its tail between its legs and the film, to the disappointment of viewers, after smaller and larger American chains of cinema operators (who did not withdraw because of threats, but because the lawyers gave them legal instructions that they would be responsible for any victims), completely withdrew from the agenda.

Will we ever see ''The Interview''? If not in cinemas, maybe at least on YouTube?
Will we ever see "The Interview"? If not in cinemas, maybe at least on YouTube?

But the best things are forbidden things and the people responded to the ban and withdrawal in their own way. They didn't go to the streets. But they went to IMDb, already more than 35 thousand of them, and there the film plebiscite, as a sign of protest, granted rating 10. It seems that the number will only increase by the day and that more and more people will come with the "banner" 10, until Sony releases the film to the public.

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James Franco and Seth Rogen have already caused a lot of controversy. Among other things, they recorded the video clip "Bound 3", which is a parody of the video "Bound 2" by Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian.
James Franco and Seth Rogen have already caused a lot of controversy. Among other things, they recorded the video clip "Bound 3", which is a parody of the video "Bound 2" by Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian.

But with an assessment film buffs they clearly do not express the evaluation of the film, it is about some other message, which is loud and clear - we want to see "The Interview"! Professional critics, who actually saw him, of course they weren't so kind to him and tore him apart. Among other things, they said that it is another film in the Hollywood line of films that is stupid, childish, tasteless and bombards us with stupid jokes. "Prisoners of Salvation" therefore, he is not afraid that he James Franco and Seth Rogen actually ranked first (in order to climb there, he will have to eat a lot of brandy, read and collect a good number of tens, because only a certain number of votes gives him the right credibility rating), but until the film "The Interview" is "redeemed" by Sony (which it obviously will be) and finds a home (which is also obvious), it will probably remain the highest rated movie, if of all time, but only time will tell.

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